Friday, December 31, 2004
Its new years eve.. not a very happy one.
the devestating outcomes of the earthquake makes this New years very dismal.
it pains me to think that many many people are going to have to welcome in the new year, without their family.
oh the destruction.
many people are lying unfound on beaches all over Asia. Their family members worried sick not knowing if they are alive or dead. Property ruined because of all this.
The rising chances of an epidemic.
this new year is by far the saddest and most dismal of all.
i can't imagine the pain and suffering these people are going through.
nothing good comes out of an earthquake, let alone tsunami waves.
If this was some kind of silly joke nature decided to play on the world it was seriously not funny.
little kids playing on the beach would just have been swept off their feet.
can u imagine that?
a nice fun relaxing day on the beach and you get hit by a giant wave with a low chance of survival?
someone told me a great number of casualties were children. With the death toll rising rapidly, many begin to lose faith that their family may be alive.
The poor children.... They couldn't run as fast as adults, causing them disadvantages.
Say a prayer for all these people.
Donate money.
Help them.
i will try my best to.
Monday, December 27, 2004
The INCREDIBLES is the AWESOMEST movie in the WORLD!
i just came back not long ago frm it! Went with the Dorays..
i LOVE It!!!
alright. i would love to rant on and on about it..
BUT.. i have an incredible ;) headache and can't be bothered.
this heat is really annoying me!! Grrr...
Heard about the earthquake in Asia.. tragic.. :(
hope everyone is fine..
well, i know lots of people are not fine.. but may God bless all of them.. :(
ciaO beLLaS*
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Its boxing day.
the day the INCREDIBLES comes out here!!!!
But guess wat?
my parents are not going!!!!
And here they are promising me that we will go..
so angry.
i meant to blog yesterday.. But couldn't be bothered.
here's a slightly late birthday wish to you simonie!
Hope you had a great birthday! i tried to send you a fax..
but it didn't work. have you got your bday present from me yet?
Luv Angie
happy christmas everyone.
i can't be bothered doing this today.
ciaO beLLaS*
Friday, December 24, 2004
ok. don't mind the title.. i was just eating sour peach hearts and i couldn't think of anything else to name it! :P
well.. long awaited day finally here..
dunno y.. but i tend to prefer the Eve's better than the actual days.
yes well.. today we woke up at 8.30 am and went to Charisma for breakfast.
Scrambled eggs. Usually i would say Mmmmm.. but i felt extremely BLEGHH after eating it.
not a good feeling at all..
But Meryl gave us a Santa Chocolate..
and she tried to give us Favourites.. (which i happen to Love!)
but we politely declined.. seeing as she would already have to pay for those two santa choccies outta her own money.. :(
don't get me wrong. we would have loved to have paid for those 2 choccies!
ok enough about breakfast.
Then we went for a carwash and went to pick up our roast beef from the woman who sounded like she was french, german, dutch and indian at the same time! Her accent was funny as.
Yesterday went to the city and had HJs for lunch.
then went to Target. parents went to pay for air ticket etc.
Walked around the city.. Went back to Target.
OMG valleygirl was having a crazy summer sale.
Damn i wish i had $$ at that time......
It was all 7-10 bucks which is hell gd for valleygirl.
Saw some cool things in Target, including shoes.. very very cool shoes. i actually saw a decent pair of pointies which i still wouldn't buy, but i didn't mind them.
Usually i am very anti-pointy shoes.. but those were okay..
and they had awesome heels!
got a brown skirt with funny flowers on them and a pink top for Xmas..
Not too xmassy.. but OH well... :)
wish i had new shoes.
Gotta go to evening mass tonight.. WooHoo. :S
then having the Dorays over for Xmas Eve dinner..
I suspect they might've bought me this CD which mum refused to buy yesterday.. but she got me the Hilary Duff one.. So i'm good. :D and i got Lindsay Lohan's single. The music is cool.. but she kinda ruined the song with her singing! :P nah.. she ain't that bad..
i'm so tired. went to bed about 2.30am coz vinii was online..
hehe.. not blaming u vin!
alright i gtg..
time to bake BROWNIES.
ham, iz and char.
i KNOW y'all are drooling..
don't worry just a few more days b4 u get some! :P (hopefully!)
ciaO beLLas**
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Only two days til Christmas! :D:D:D:D
We are supposed to be going to the city today..
Paying for our flight to Singapore or something..
And they are letting me get CHRISTMAS clothes!!!! WOOOHOOO
Conversation with dad 21/12/2004
I just got up in the morning and sat down for breakfast.
Dad: So... You want a new dress for Christmas.
Me: HUH?!?!?!?!?
Like he ever gave a sh!t about clothes! it was quite weird.
Gee its one day to Christmas eve.
Nearly the end of the year.
Omg.. i'm Yr 11 next year..
That means my friends in Singapore are Sec 4.
Wow... How fast time flies.
How do you like my new blogskin?
i think its very sweet and Christmassy.. :D
i like the little anime girl.
Alrighty.. i better go..
ciaO beLLas*
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
today was.. boring.. as usual.
i am never gonna get out of this bored RUT.
well its 3 days to Christmas!
Still haven't got new Xmas clothes.
can't be bothered. i would like a new dress.
like nice LBD.
i wish i had all the money in the world.
played around with ol's new hair straightener today.
very good. my hair is nice n smooth and straight for once.
i want one.
wish i had one.
probably won't get one though.
i am missing CNY next year. that fully SUCKS.
yes lets all have a cry.
alright. can't be bothered blogging. will do one tomorrow.
chopping up nuts and dates tomorrow. WooPee.
hopefully i get to go shopping at some point in time.
JayJays and Supre are calling me.
Very loudly.
and my wallet has nothing in it. Nada. Zip.
i hope i get some money for xmas.
ciaO beLLaS**
Monday, December 20, 2004
something is wrong with my sister's computer.. my blogging thingo doesn't have like the colours n size thing.. how annoying.
well, today i woke up just after 7 and i am unusually not tired.
i am somewhat more energetic than i was yesterday..
so yeah i shall blog..
i wanna change my blog skin but i seem to be attached to this one!
it ain't that great.. but i can't be bothered.
mum insisted i buy two copies so she can take one back.. i was like pshht just burn it! but she got one..
now i'll just wait for the album. *waits*
emm.. ok..
you know that Butch Walker song Take Tomorrow?
Its on the Hot Chick when Billy is first introduced.
its such a nice song..
here.. lyrics.
You got lost, For a while.
You've been trying to find a smile.
You got stood up, then you fell down,
and when you needed , there was no one 'round.
You loved the previews and hate the movie.
You scream at the screen, "Something move me!"
before you start to fade away.
Give me all your fear, Throw it all away.
and think about the good things, no matter what they say,
we'll take tomorrow baby, yeah,
one day at a time.
You just stare into space,
you found love but it got erased,
you're on the road with all the stoplights,
and you're too afraid to turn the wrong from right.
You ate your soul and it made ya fat,
starve yourself from everything else that makes you completely full.
So give me all your fear, throw it all away.
Think about the good things, no matter what they say.
We'll take tomorrow baby, yeah,
one day at a time.
So you run, so you hide,
and you watched as they die,
they all fell, you could fall too,
or you could sew your wings and try to fly right through.
Give me all your fear, throw it all away.
Think about the good things, no matter what they say.
We'll take tomorrow baby, yeah,
One day at a time.
One day at a time.
how nice. the hot chick soundtrack is pretty cool..
i love that movie.. Rob Schneider is excellent.
alright gtg..
CiaO beLLaS
Sunday, December 19, 2004
can't be bothered blogging.
i'm just gonna leave now..
christmas soon! yayyy..
singapore sooon yayyyy
CiaO beLLas
Friday, December 17, 2004
Just got up not long ago, my eyes feel swollen… :’( how did morning come so fast?
Wanna go shopping as usual.. 7 days to Xmas eve!
Have this song in my head.. So here’s the lyrics..
"My Boo"(feat. Alicia Keys)
[Usher intro:]
There's always that one person
That will always have your heart
You'll never see it coming
Cause you're blinded from the start
Know that you're that one for me
It's clear for everyone to see
Ooh baby ooh you'll always be my boo
[Alicia intro:]
I don't know bout cha'll
But I know about us and uh
This is the only way
We know how to rock
I don't know bout cha'll
But I know about us and uh
This is the only way
We know how to rock
[Usher Verse:]
Do you remember girl
I was the one who gave you your first kiss
Cause I remember girl
I was the one who said put your lips like this
Even before all the fame and
People screaming your name
Girl I was there when you were my baby
It started when we were younger
You were mine my boo
Now another brother's taking over
But its still in your eyes my boo
Even though we used to argue it's alright
I know we haven't seen each other
In awhile but you will always be my boo
I was in love with you when we were younger
You were mine my boo
And I see it from time to time
I still feel like my boo
And I can see it no matter
How I try to hide my boo
Even though there's another man who's in my life
You will always be my boo
[Alicia Verse:]
Yes I remember boy
Cause after we kissed
I could only think about your lips
Yes I remember boy
The moment I knew you were the one
I could spend my life with
Even before all the fame
And people screaming your name
I was there and you were my baby
It started when we were younger
You were mine my boo
Now another brother's taking over
But its still in your eyes my boo
Even though we used to argue it's alright
I know we haven't seen each other
In awhile but you will always be my boo
I was in love with you when we were younger
You were mine my boo
And I see it from time to time
I still feel like my boo
And I can see it no matter
How I try to hide my boo
Even though there's another man who's in my life
You will always be my boo
[Usher:]My oh, My oh, My oh, My oh, My Boo
[Alicia:]My oh, My oh, My oh, My oh, My Boo
It started when we were younger
You were mine my boo
Now another brother's taking over
But its still in your eyes my boo
Even though we used to argue it's alright
I know we haven't seen each other
In awhile but you will always be my boo
[Alicia & Usher:]
I don't know bout cha'll
But I know about us and uh
This is the only way
We know how to rock
I don't know bout cha'll
But I know about us and uh
This is the only way
We know how to rock
My usher album is great… :)
I’m getting Alicia Keys for Christmas.. :)
Alright better go now…
See y’all CiaO beLLaS*
damn. i'm tired.
we just got back not long ago from watching A Series of Unfortunate Events. it is awesome!
Depressing. but awesome.
Going to Gc tomorrow. Taking Ol to the orthodontist or summat.
omg omg omg!! Anthony callea's single is out on Sunday! So gonna get it.
i wanna go shopping.. :'(
alright. i'm half asleep i'm gonna sign off now..
CiaO beLLas*
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
And so i'm back, from outer space.
not really.
back from Margaret River though..
Nice, quiet town.
10 to xmas.
i prefer Xmas eve though. More fun.. :P
i hope mum agrees to get me some Xmas clothes.. :)
Not much else to say.
I just watched Anthony's video clip.
his singing is so powerful.
makes me wanna cry.
i'm extremely emotional.
alright. gtg
Ciao Bellas! *
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Going to Margaret river today..
I wanna go to the Berry Farm.
Picking Strawberries.
Went to Supre yesterday. Mum got lost, took us longer to get there.
They have the awesomest, awesomest clothes in the entire universe.
alright. just saying i'm not gonna be here for like 3 days so don't expect any blog entries!
ohh i wish christmas would just come..
CiaO beLLas
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
yeah i know I've been slack in doing blog entires at least once everyday. but i am so damn tired!
its the holidays for goodness sake.
went to KP today. got some jammies and a black boob tube. its cool. then went to Motif and got these casual shorts.
I was an e-agony aunt service for a while. Friends having MORE guy problems.. she just can't get enough can she?
Poor Anthony Callea.. People suspect he is gay. I feel sorry for him. I'm pretty sure he isn't. :(
He is such a good singer.. Getting his single and album when its out. MUST.
OOh shannon nolls album is back on the shelves..
I might be going to Supre on Friday. Might. :D
doesn't mean i'll get anything. :(
Hint hint mother dear.
i am falling asleep. my bloody sister woke up crying and i was like arghh just shut up!
and then i couldn't sleep properly. my head was all cloudy. the HEAt is terrible!!!!!!
This is one of the days where i wish that we have a POOL.
this sucks. Life Sucks.
ok.. gtg
i'm signing off differently today!
CiaO beLLas
Monday, December 06, 2004
It is 7:25am. i woke up this mornin, sat up and smacked my eye against the bunk bed ladder.
stupid bloody..
going to GC today. it think.. Monie if you can hear me... CALL ME!!!!
might as well since i'm goin there..
my eye is bloody hurting.
i can't look left or right properly.
call the paramedic.
peaCe ouT*
Sunday, December 05, 2004
i am so tired and dead.
had to go to church was basically falling asleep.
so darn boring.
Just found out tat its my friend's bday!
HaPpY biRtHdaY BeLL!
Wishing yoU thE beSt of LucK foR thE yeaR aheAd!
So yeah. that's all i gotta say 4 now..
peaCe ouT*
its the holidays!
i am bored outta my mind!
Simone hasn't called me.
We were meant to be goin to watch Ella Enchanted. i've already seen it but oh well.
and i wanna see National Treasure too.
i have NO life.
i am sittin at the computer now.. writin Chrissy cards.
i wann go to TARGET and SUPRE instead of sitting here mooching around.
i tink i full flunked my exams. cept for french and physics. i got 89% for french and 68% for physics.
Not TOO bad. considerin i'm not doin physics next yr.
i really hope i did ok in maths and english. or else i am so totally screwed.
screwdo mungo.
ok wtf was that.
just made that up.
have u ever seen the Supre website and clothes?
if you haven't... GO RIGHT NOW.
Right NOW.
You are fully missing out on the best clothes in the WORLD.
Target is awesome too cept they don't showcase their clothes like Supre does.
I just want to go and LIVE there man.
ok. i gotta go now.
peaCe ouT*