Thursday, March 31, 2005
i just realised... Only 6 more skool days and only9 days until i am back in Singapore!!!!!!
and WHOA i haven't updated in awhile.
howz everyone?
I am so dead from running STUPID cross country.
Well, my brain isn't.. but my legs sure are.
and i'm pretty sure i have popped my back outta place. it is KILLING me.
ohh how i was longing for my bed throughout my run.
Well. technically, it was a half walk half jog, one iddy biddy little bit of a sprint.
and it was FreEeeeeEzing.
*teeth chatterS*
the ONE day i don't have my jumper. i FREEZE to FRICKIN death.
i should be doing my history. Seriously.
i'm not actually sure if it was due tomorrow. How annoying.
ohh my head is pounding like a million hammers.
i am coming home soon!!!!!
9 days exacti-cally!
ok thaat is not a word.
can't be stuffed.
Je suis tres fatiguee.
better go now. before history teacher slaughters me tomorrow.
"Those words stuck to me like a chewy on the back of a school dress after the IGSSA swimming carnival"
Funny speech by CF.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
I actually managed to edit my blog so i have a peronalised skin!
i'm as you know a very BIG Phantom of the Opera fan.
so, you see. My skin is very phantom-ish.
just experimenting with things.
Publick speaking on Wednesday.
Wish Me luck! :D
gotta run now.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
well.. its been awhile since i have last blogged.
don't blame me!
i've been at school..
well i FINALLY went to SUPRE!
and i bought a DRESS!
and a belt i have been longing to purchase for a long while now!
thank GOD for cny $$!
alright i better go..
will attempt to write longer next time.