Friday, April 28, 2006
this is such a coool thingyy!
everybody do itt! :D hahha
got this off nart. very interesting.. :)
Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle.
Say the following questions aloud, and press play.
Use the song title as the answer to the question.
*How does the world see me?
Nature Boy -> David Bowie (haha. funny)
* Will I have a happy life?
Since You've Been Gone -> Kelly Clarkson (wtf)
* What do my friends really think of me?
Let's Get Retarded -> B.E.P. (hahahaha)
* Do people secretly lust after me?
Leave (Get Out) -> JoJo (what the..)
* How can I make myself happy?
Drive -> Shannon Noll (NO WAYYY)
What should I do with my life?
Sitting, Wishing, Waiting -> Jack Johnson (that's what i'm doin!)
*Will I ever have children?
Heavily Broken -> The Veronicas (oh thanks alot)
* What is some good advice for me?
I Could Get Used to This -> The Veronicas (reeally?)
* How will I be remembered?
Bring Me to Life -> Evanescence (necromancy. what the.)
* What is my signature dancing song?
Naked -> Avril Lavigne (hahahahaha not true)
* What do I think my current theme song is?
Rock the Roll -> Jennifer Love Hewitt (emm riiight)
* What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
We Can Try -> Paulini (huhh)
* What song will play at my funeral?
Gone Going -> B.E.P. feat Jack Johnson (indeed..)
* What type of men/women do you like?
Lift -> Shannon Noll (hahaha. people in 'lifts')
* What is your day going to be like?
These Days -> Bardot (what the..)
right that was pretty weird. hahaha.
some strange answers but oh well.
c i a o
Monday, April 17, 2006
oh my i haven't blogged in ages..
well easter's just gone..
and i have consumed enough grease and oil for the rest of my life.
god i feel ill.
not to mention the copious amounts of chocolate i've been receiving.
oh dearie me.
well i hope everyone had a smashing easter.. hahaha.
hope y'all went to church n stuff :P
gonna go buy long awaited black pants tmw. hahaha. finally.
i'm so tired n burned out i think i'm gonna head off to bed or watch some tv or sumthing.
c i a o!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Last day of school tmw!!!
2 week holssss
or shld i say study break....
useless crapola... mehmehmeh.
had parent tcher interviews today.
overall t'was a relief to hear i'm doing OK.
ahahaha. then it is all gonna b contradicted when i get my latest test results back..
i SO suck.
so wanna watch scary movie 4 now....
well. tonight we surprised vinipoohead with a bday cake! hahahaha. the look on her face was frickin priceless. but we only videod it so won't be able to broadcast any photos... hahahaha
but here are some cool pics of the cake and her cuttin it up and mutilating it. hehehe.

yummy cake!!!!!
ooooooh bday girl's torso. hahahahahahaha.
ok gtg now...
c i a o
Sunday, April 09, 2006
i went and watched She's the Man yesterday..
it's such a cool movie!! i love it to death..
hilarious.. hahaha.
can't wait to see it AGAIN.
and i am just waiting for scary movie 4 to come out.. hahahaha.
well.. not much has been happenin round here..
been pretty boring.
i got my report.. woopdeedo.
wasn't so bad. hahaha.
all assignments n shit piling up.
only ONE week left of school! yayyy.
and roller blading finally finished.
pity though.. it was getting pretty exciting with all the hockey n sttuff. hahaha
our team won the last ever game. yayyy. i hope i get to do racket sports. i'm gonna die if i don't do badminton n table tennis next term.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
oh god.
the weekend is OVER.
boohoohoo.. :'(
arghh i really can't bear these last two weeks of school.. plus i have a history doc study on tuesday..
i'm gonna die....................
i really want my maths epw back.. i hope i passed..
i'm so depressing sometimes aren't i..
ok better go now..
c i a o