Sunday, May 28, 2006
well, exams r nearly over.
i have exactly ONE exam left.. woopee..
tis french. gahh i'm sick of it.. but i still love it to death.
my fave foreign language along with italian and spanish.. hahaha
ooohh i finally caught the da vinci code yesterday.
went with mads n moe.. excellent movie.. stayed true to the book pretty good.
very cool... cept i knew what would happen n e ways!
t'was fun.
and today me mads n carrot went to nandos for lunch..
so damn goood.
cept i ordered it hot.. and my lips n tongue are still on fire.. and really coke zero does nothin to help that funky burning sensation.
then we went over to IGA n got timtams... hahaha
so good.
well i m goin to china to pay last respects on wednesday 4:30am
gotta leave straight after french exam to fly bk to s'pore..
can't wait to c u agn hammiee! i can't bring too much.. so i only brought a little stuff for u..
well exams have been pretty sh!t. the only one that went slightly ok was discrete maths.
that reminds me.. gotta go c my teachers on monday..
gahh.. i hate school.
but boarding is the bomb baby.
we yr 12s had a movie marathon yesterday.. Poltergeist one and two..
made us jump but wasn't really that scary! quite gross tho.. n the clowns.. ohh god the clown freaked us all out... we hate cloens
ok i think i better go b4 i finish all my timtams in one shot.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
the passing of my dear grandmother.
i'm sorry i couldn't say goodbye.
sorry i didn't hold your hand one more time to tell you how much i love you.
sorry for not being able to communicate with you
because we did not speak the same language.
i'm sorry i never cherished every moment i had with you.
i'm sorry i didn't get to tell you i loved you.
and now whenever i think of you, i can see the love in your eyes.
the few words we knew helped us to understand at times.
and i remember when i laughed you laughed too.
now rest in peace, your suffering is ended.
the tears i shed for you were not in vain, but now i know you have no more pain.
just remember i love you grandma.
and i hope you're in a better place now.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
went to watch our year 12 production!
t'was really cool...
they did so well and their acting is incredible..
been waitin since yr 8 to see ours! hehehe.
so exams start in a week or so.
and i'm DEAD..
supposed to be studyin for history.. but who wants to..
i just want school to be over with..
i scratched my foot on wire jumping over the fence to get outta school. hahaha
no no don't take me as some kinda outlaw. jus tryin to get to the shops.. hahahaha
it stings.. mehh oh well.
currently munching sum cadbury roast almond chocolate.. YUMMO.
it will pulll me thru history.
i hope..
had an ice coffee too.. sooo damn bloody excellent.
ok i guess i better get back to history now.
c i a o