Sunday, October 29, 2006
just remembering how much i absolutely LOVE evanescence..
haha LOL. getting reacquainted with all my fave music..
tis addictive..
well got exams back!!!!
ok well they didn't go so bad.
Lit was an absolute crock of SHIT as per usual..
but the others were ok..
and my final grades are:
A: Art and Design
A: History
A: Discrete Mathematics
B: Lit
B: French
and did i mention..
i got the frickin ART N DESIGN award!!!
haha ok not so exciting..
and we had fashion parade this weekend.. some minor stuffages.. but went pretty smoothly otherwise!!
damn my stupid DREss. i despise it mucho.
anywayss... Last day of school EVER this tuesday.. we get to fancy dress! yayyyyyy
after much deciding n changing of decisions.. i am now going as a NINJAA
yeahh ninja goaliee
haha lol.. been watching She's the Man too much..
ok well better run along nowww
c i a o
TEE French Orals.. countdown FOUR DAYS
Sunday, October 22, 2006
i've been feeling strangely poetic.. and have an urge to write songs..
gotta go back to boarding JAIL tomorrow..
yippee i just can't wait.
went to garbo today.. walked around for a loooong time before the movie started..
Step Up is the most fricking AWESOME dance movie to be made in bloody history!!
and plus Channing Tatum is a bit of a looker! :D haha
i lovelovelove it
n i lovelovelove to dance.. but i'm pretty shite at it! :D ahaha
have boarders farewell mass tmw.. :D woohoo.
time to say goodbye finally..
and leave this school.
i mean, its a good school and all and i'm gonna miss everyone like hell..
but u just get sick of school..
can't wait for holidays, and leavers and all that stuff..
hopefully i did OK in these exams.. pray to GOd.
ok well eyes r burning out.. better sign off now..
c i a o
Saturday, October 21, 2006
so went shopping today with Carrot in the city
got out of the house round abt 10 and stayed there til like 4.45
got a pair of long awaited shorts n a cool green top
and red shoes!! even tho they r flat. they're still awesome
hung around the main city area b4 proceeding to harbortown
shite the walk was long.. plus i was wearing black and the sun was excruciatingly hott
oh well, goes 2 show how smart i am!
my feet hurt so bad though!
hmmm.. tried on some things but they didn't look particularly incredible..
and yeh ended off the day with a nice cold GJs iced coffee.. Mmmmmmmmmm
hmm.. life is good when there ain't no school
c i a o
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
i'm ba-ack!
Mock exams are OVERRRRR
well for me anyways.. some poor buggers gotta go til Thurs.. hahaha
here's a four letter word to sum up the exams overall.
so that's always good!
so now i shalll sleep til all eternity
then wake up for the TEE then sleep AGAIN!
on the plus side.. mary is comin 2 my house! :D
happyhappy shoppingshopping
well.. i shall blog again LATERRR
Thursday, October 05, 2006
only a few more days to MOCKS.
my life is OVER as of NOW.
i shall be going on a hiatus until exams are over, so i don't get too distracted.
so it's been great knowing y'all. lol
love ya
c i a o n e s s