Friday, February 23, 2007
The reign of the OC is finally over.. :(
How depressing?
Summer and Seth got married!!
And it was just so cute.. and Ryan and Taylor are so gorgeous together! :)
Ok, enough about soapies..
So went and got uni books todayy.. Cost a bloody fortune, nearly died when i heard the price.. i only managed to get one book 2nd hand, for about $20 difference. so that was ok..
then went to Target and had fun trying on shoes! :)
Bought a pair of navy? shoes.. sort of like ballet flats crossed with sneaker material.. mum called them something i just can't remember what they were... :S
haha.. starting uni in approximately 2 days..
highly excited yet nervous.. :)
hope everything goes well, i have photography first thing, but that's at 2pm so that's ok..
hmm. well arabian nights to y'all..
Thursday, February 22, 2007
So went to Guild day with Molly yesterday! :)
and joined Antics, after frantically searching for the Funk Club, which we found out after an hour or so we found out it had disbanded! :( how depressing.. haha.
and joined Antics, after frantically searching for the Funk Club, which we found out after an hour or so we found out it had disbanded! :( how depressing.. haha.
also joined the Students Journalist Association and Public Relations Student Chapter! :) got a cool tshirt and badge.. then we watched a Copeira demo which i had wanted to do. good thing i watched what they were doing, it looked just slightly complicated, although i'm sure they'd have dumbed the actual beginners course down! :) next up was a pizza eating comp.. much longer than expected, but was quite entertaining to watch. the three guys winning were really shoving down that pizza! and of course, they were totally putting off the only girl in the competition, making lame jokes and just trying to throw off her groove., haha.. there's males for you!
and the guys kept pouring water on each others pizzas! bleghh. the result. SOGGY CRUSTS.
and yes free pizzas were offered, however molly and i were feeling just slightly nauseous from watching them shovel that pizza in, so we decided we'd give that a miss! :) after all the excitement, we went to sign up for our hip hop course and tai chi course! hehe. strange combo i know, but you gotta be energetic and relaxed too! :) plus tai chi is good for the health.. :) molly signed up for the Black Betty's night club student pass thingy.. too bad i'm not 18 yet! gah. haha. and we passed by the Lipton stall, and they were giving out free samples of the new tea, which was mango flavour we found out after skulling the cup! :) surprisingly refreshing and delicious.. i highly recommend :)
then we proceeded to have lunch at the Noodle House, where i discovered surprisingly yummy curry puffs! :)
i've decided not to go to the oyeah party.. i'll be so fricking tired, and i probably should help mum pack! and PLUS the OC season finale is on and i can't miss that!!
and i gotta run around the 2nd hand bookshops buying my texts .. trust me to leave them to last minute!! GAH. i might spend saturday reading through some of them, and trying to get fricking unit outlines from the bloody website, which chooses today to crash. AHH.
went to the city, (very last minute planned!) to meet caris and maddi!
yay i hadn't seen them in so long.. haha maddi had MORE new clothes. lol! :) and she'd had her hair done again! and obviously she purchased the MOST today.. haha. walked around with them in OpShops and the Bootique Shoe shop where she bought this $50 pair of wedges! they were very maddi.. haha.. and we found this cool little Asian-ish shop called Chic_Chic.. the only bad thing is that it smelt of incense, not a very nice one either, so i spent alot of time trying not to breathe it in! :p but they found some cute bargains.. had luncheons at Maccas and then met Molly at City Beach where maddi bought her sis a birthday gift.. then we parted ways with them as they went to go home, and molly and i stayed for awhile, visiting Cotton On, where i bought a new pair of thongs. my old ones were starting to wear out, and i realised this when i stepped on a man hole cover and one of those nut/bolt thingies dug into my pressure point and gave me the worst pain ever! so yeah, got new black thongs.. was in need of a neutral colour anyways..
then we proceeded back to Garbo by bus.. Got a Mango Bongo drink from NZ Natural which by the way if FANTASTICAL.. haha,, nice and refreshing for a hot day.. Parted ways with molly, and went to search for Steph's bday present.. :) tried to toss up between something in Diva and something in Equip. Equip won in the end though, but the Diva thing was gorgeous too.. went to JayJays and spied some good bargains, made mum come and look at them.. ended up diving into the discount bin, or rather, table and finding two dresses! yay! and also got like a hoodie jumper thing.. went to kmart and bought a pair of nice thongs, red ones, and a grey singlet, and some super colourful bras! :) lol. then finally, went home, and collapsed from sheer exhaustion. :)
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
so O-Week started on monday! :)
just had a few mildly boring speeches and talks..
the highlight of the day, was lunch. :s
tried the Curtin Noodle House! :)
then went to the JC Art Gallery. Twas kinda cool..
Then headed to Garbo, where we purchased Mint Choc Chillos! :)
Wandered around Kmart and the shops in general, then decided to check Sanity for Music and Lyrics CD! and me being the dumb fool, walked right by it, then went to the counter, where the chick proceeded to give me a "OMG u blur fool" look and grabbed it from the rack i had just inspected. but i finally own it!! mWAhHA.. the music is so dang infectious!
except i got the grilling of my life from parents, because the CD was 30 bucks :(
Things changed for the betterer, because they went and saw the movie tonight cos i told them the movie was excellent, and they practically begged me to burn the CD for them.
i'm gonna give them a big I TOLD YOU SO.
i love Music and Lyrics
being bored is a sad sad thing.
however, it can always lead to something fun...
yesterday evening, while my family watched some bogus movie with calista flockhart and robin williams in it, i decided i'd go blog surfing. i went to xiaxue's blog, and found one of her old entries entitled My Evil Twin.. so i decided to check it out.. The entry can be found at
then i saw the really cool funny pics she had taken and photoshopped to make it look as though she had an evil twin.
so i decided i'd try to do them too..... the results were poorly edited, i only used microsoft paint.. hehehe.. but it was funny nonetheless.. i suggest you try them on a bored rainy day... :)
well aside the boredness advice, moo and i went exploring on curtin.. started with a nice long early bus ride down to the campus, and we discovered that we dropped off one stop too early... so we had to walk about 150 m forward.. then i realised that i'd left my file at the other bus stop, took my thongs off and gave my bag to moo and sprinted back to the stop.. thankfully everything was still there! so we went in and got my student id done, which by the way is the most disgusting card picture i have ever had in my LIFE. then went exploring around the campus, joined the Guild yay!, and checked out the buildings.. we spent sooo much time walking there! its such a large place compared to lil ol santa.. :S next time i go, NOT wearing nice thongs, definitely wearing rubber thongs. which will be this coming wednesday.. cos frickin department of art office only opens on wednesday... psychos.. gahh.. and i gotta go back to SMC !!!! whyy meeee.. ok, i gotta runn..
though you are no longer here, your memory shall remain..
life was long, and tough, but you took the longest leap.
the end was hard and you suffered, now gone is your pain.
rest well, and in peace, fading into the depths of sleep.
AHH tonight was the OC 2nd last (i think..) episode of the LAST ever OC season!!!!
This can't be happenninngg
well they just ended with this HUGE MoFo earthquake, with things falling everywhere!
Then it ended, with very vague ads for the last season, which is on Friday. and its 2 HOURS.
So, have to toss up between TotalTvAddict or SocialButterfly cos it's the same day as the O/Yeah Oweek party. :( But it may well be a mosh of overdrunken people slopping around the tav for all i know.. :P
but you never know.. :)
AHH who knows.. i'll decide at some point in time. :)
Anyways, I'm going to sleep now... My eyes burn..
Thursday, February 15, 2007
I've been living with a shadow overhead
I've been sleeping with a cloud above my bed
I've been lonely for so long
Trapped in the past, i just can't seem to move on
I've been hiding all my hopes and dreams away
Just in case i ever need em again someday
I've been setting aside time
To clear a little space in the corners of my mind
All i want to do is find a way back to love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
Oh oh oh
I've been watching but the stars refuse to shine
I've been searching but i just don't see the signs
I know that it's out there
There's got to be something for my soul somewhere
I've been looking for someone to shed some light
Not just somebody just to get me throught the night
I could use some direction
And i'm open to your suggestions
All i want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through whithout a way back into love
And if i open my heart again
I guess i'm hoping you'll be there for me in the end
There are moments when i don't know if it's real
Or if anybody feels the way i feel
I need inspiration
Not just another negotiation
All i want to do is find a way back into love
I can't make it through without a way back into love
And if i open my heart to you
I'm hoping you'll show me what to do
And if you help me to start again
You know that i'll be there for you in the end
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Ok, I know it's like 1/2 hour to the normal day, but OH well at least i wrote y'all a post.. hhaha..
So, went to curtin again, STINKING ART DEPARTMENT is so confusing. GAHH. i already hate it.. why can't it be nice and simple like smc.. oh well its uni u can't be spoonfed there.. :)
caught Music and Lyrics today!! It is such the coolest show... aside from the cheesy pop 80s tunes, and the HIGHLY promiscuous teen popstar, it was a cute little love story, which features one of THE best duets, (who ever knew hugh and drew could sing?) of the year.. i don't think it will bring in the awards, but it is sooo cute. and new comer haley bennett has a really good voice too! and although her songs are a little, strange to say the least, she sings well.. :) overall i ADORED it. and i can't get the fricking songs out of my head, which leaves only ONE option...
i can't download the songs.. hahaha that's why i gave up on piracy. actually i don't really download.. haha. yeahhh alright, time to say goodbye to valentines day 07! :)
i hope you all had a beautiful day with your loved ones, and even if you have no special other, i hope you had a beautiful day ANYWAY! :)
much love
well i haven't done very much today...
baked brownies tonight for valentines day..
OH Happy Valentines Day all!!! :D
Tomorrow have to head back to Curtin, and try to sign up for my classes.. It's terrible..
Wearing closed shoes tomorrow, incase i need to do a little running. hahaha..
ok well hope y'all have a good valentines spcially if you have someone special to spend it with! :D
have you ever seen such a beautiful night
i could almost kiss the stars for shining so bright.
this is what dreams are made of.
Monday, February 12, 2007
however, it can always lead to something fun...
yesterday evening, while my family watched some bogus movie with calista flockhart and robin williams in it, i decided i'd go blog surfing. i went to xiaxue's blog, and found one of her old entries entitled My Evil Twin.. so i decided to check it out.. The entry can be found at
then i saw the really cool funny pics she had taken and photoshopped to make it look as though she had an evil twin.
so i decided i'd try to do them too..... the results were poorly edited, i only used microsoft paint.. hehehe.. but it was funny nonetheless.. i suggest you try them on a bored rainy day... :)
well aside the boredness advice, moo and i went exploring on curtin.. started with a nice long early bus ride down to the campus, and we discovered that we dropped off one stop too early... so we had to walk about 150 m forward.. then i realised that i'd left my file at the other bus stop, took my thongs off and gave my bag to moo and sprinted back to the stop.. thankfully everything was still there! so we went in and got my student id done, which by the way is the most disgusting card picture i have ever had in my LIFE. then went exploring around the campus, joined the Guild yay!, and checked out the buildings.. we spent sooo much time walking there! its such a large place compared to lil ol santa.. :S next time i go, NOT wearing nice thongs, definitely wearing rubber thongs. which will be this coming wednesday.. cos frickin department of art office only opens on wednesday... psychos.. gahh.. and i gotta go back to SMC !!!! whyy meeee.. ok, i gotta runn..
Saturday, February 10, 2007
life was long, and tough, but you took the longest leap.
the end was hard and you suffered, now gone is your pain.
rest well, and in peace, fading into the depths of sleep.
Friday, February 09, 2007
today i went to the city with audzz, did my shopping and stuff, and then we went on to Myer right before we left..
Now, there's this girl, looks about 17-18, and she's handicapped, sitting in a wheelchair and busks for money.. she sings, and she has the most beautiful voice, and its really powerful too... i've seen her a couple of times, and everytime she delivers her songs with the most strength and professionalism, bringing joy to all.. today was no different.. we walked into the shop and i saw her sitting in the gap between the other shop and the one we just went to.. she was singing her heart out and being all happy, you could nerly feel her energy.. so we went about our business, then went to go out to the next shop... when i passed her, i glimpsed out of the corner of my eye that she was crying.. i continued to walk into the shop, because it didn't really register that she was crying, and when you cry, you're generally sad.... however, i felt something tugging at my heart. something told me i should go out there and check, so i rushed out. true enough the tears were rolling uncontrollably down her face.. she had no tissue and was trying anxiously to flick away the large tears falling from her eyes.. suddenly, i felt sad too, even though i didn't know what was wrong.. but to see someone go from such energetic merriment to a near state of devastation made me want to cry too..
so i rummaged around in my bag for a packet of tissue and went over to her with audz... even though she didn't know who i was she accepted the tissue and began to wipe her eyes. she smiled at me gratefully, and my heart warmed immediately.. i asked her what was wrong. she told us that some guys had stolen $20 off her, because it had fallen out of her tin... and they even had the audacity to pretend they were putting it back.. i mean it was at her feet!
i was struck with a sharp chord of sadness, i mean, to try your best, waste your energy trying to earn a little money to get by, and then suddenly lose all of it in one second.. so we comforted her, and a nice indian lady stopped to comfort her and console her.. she smiled gratefully at all of us and i'm sure audz and the nice indian lady felt happier too.. we each got some money out so that she got her $20 back.. she was running late to go home on the train already, so we decided we'd help her out a little. she thanked us, and we all left her to go home, slightly happier that we'd helped someone in need.. however, something did bother me.. what i noticed before going to help her, while i was rummaging in my bag for tissues, was that no one stopped to help her or ask her what was wrong before i did.. and she'd been sitting there for awhile.. and i noticed something else.. all the (no offence) white people, seemed to just ignore her, like she was a wall, or a pillar or something inanimate.. it's like they failed to realise that she was there, crying, in a near state of devastation. what's better was there was this white lady in a business suit just staring at her, like she had painted green stripes and pink spots on her face and blue hair. she was just staring, not even going to bother to ask her what was wrong, almost as if, she didn't want to go near her should her misfortunes rub off on her.. it was quite scary really, that these people, merrily doing their shopping or knocking off work, fail to notice their fellow human beings, who happen to be less fortunate than themselves. and probably being purely coincidental, the only people who bothered to stop and help this white girl were Asians... :/ no offence to anyone, it was probably just coincidental.. but some people have to learn to take in their surroundings better.. and help those who are less fortunate.. obviously you wouldn't want to go near a screaming drunk homeless man, because you know, he's just a little more dangerous than a singing teenager in a wheelchair.. this experience has made me want to do more volunteer work through CV in uni...helping someone less unfortunate sure puts a spark in my day.. i just really hope i can make someone smile every single day.. today, audz thanked me for making her smile for the first time in 3 weeks... you don't understand how glad it made me feel, that i was able to make someone smile today.. :) especially when they're going through such pain and hurt.. :( i just hope, everyone becomes more aware of others, and this world may somehow, fix itself..
Took my 1st phase Ls theory test today!
I passed with flying colours!! :D
30/30 actually.. woo.
I am now licensed to drive!! heh.. ok no not exactly.. i'm licensed to LEARN how to do so... i don't like driving though... meh.. at least i know the road rules.. lol. off to the city in an hour or so.. shopping woo!
and i saw this cool black dress in Kmart this morning.. its AWESOME. but oh so dear.. :( if only i was made of $$$$$$$ hehehe..
and the tartan kind of skirt (though not exactly) is in too, they're quite nice.. and i long to have this tulle skirt from supre.. i've wanted it ever since i watched bewitched and nic kidman was wearing one and i absolutely fell in love with it... but that's oh so dear as well... so i'll have to settle for cheap bargain stuff. ahh well that's the way the world works.. i'll just have to get them on clearance! :D which will be a looong while from now.. D:
hahha. so just here to announce my passing the test which i was so anxious about and did the online quiz about 30 or so times until i got perfect scores... ahh late night studying once more.. now i have to learn HOW to drive.. sometimes i wish we just knew how to automatically from birth.. wouldn't that be cool.. i wish it was just like 2nd nature.. hahaha life would be so much easier.. ehh.
ciaoness! :*
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
so went to the city few days ago, and to my utmost SURPRISE, they opened a Supre in the city right near where I shop most frequently!!
Excitement of the year my fave shop in a now more convenient place! :D
so, stepped in because i just had to have a look, and it was major sale time! so exciting.. except i couldn't buy anything.. which was depressing.. :(
Excitement of the year my fave shop in a now more convenient place! :D
so, stepped in because i just had to have a look, and it was major sale time! so exciting.. except i couldn't buy anything.. which was depressing.. :(
but spotted a few niceties which i may pick up when i head back to the city on Friday. which reminds me, Mum's birthday tomorrow!! And we haven't got her presents.... What am I gonna do.. Maybe i'll give her the champagne glasses.. Yes, maybe i'll do just that... Hmm..
Was supposed to go take my 1st phase Ls yesterday, except dad had to take uncle N to the hospital... he has a nasty rash thats all swollen, and yeah you probably don't want to know any other details.. :S
lol.. so shall be taking the test sometime soon.. and dad really wants to get me the 5 door Getz.. actually i despise it, but i guess it is probably one of the most economical on the market.. except i like the 3 door one alot better, mads was right, it is a lot nicer than the dowdy old 5 door ones. looks alot sleeker and sportier.. except dad wants it to be the 2nd family car, and wants it for transporting things. i think otherwise.. i like the 3 door one MUCH better... but we'll see how things go.. the Red for the 3door Getz is beautiful, mads is lucky she got the exact one! :) and i saw the honda Jazz (expensive but quite cute) in Cosmo (what are these magazines coming too.. :P) in a beautiful lilac, but no way would i be getting a Jazz.. so i gotta learn to like the Getz if dad gets one.. the car i really like though is the Mazda 121, newer style and with the sun roof.. mum had one in spore before my sis was born, and i am absolutely loving it! except now it's considered an old bomb of a car, and they try to argue that it's an old peoples car.. REALLY i've seen more oldies in the Getz than the Mazda 121.. because the Mazdas are generally cheaper, so i guess it'd hurt your wallet less if you totalled it.. lol! :) but apparently it likes to fall apart.. depends on the car though i think.. :)
Heroes is on tonight, but the sad thing is i think it clashes with the 3rd season premiere of House!!! I am SO depressed.. ok i admit, a little superficial to be worrying about things like these, but i LOVE house, and Heroes is really awesome too.. so MAJOR dilemma.. except Mum really likes Heroes and it's her birthday tomorrow.. So i think we'll end up watching heroes.. :( but oh well! i'll just go to Pet St in KL and get House.. hehehe. hmm, well i think i'm off to take a nanna nap before lunch... waking up early in the morning to get my sister ready for school is proving to be a KILLER. i really only do it so my parents don't run around like headless chickens and screaming like banshees because my sister is too slow.. then mum's blood pressure gets raised and she gets all EMO, her throat gets sore, she starts yelling at me, yelling at dad, yelling at the stove.. ok not quite the stove but you get the picture! then she blames us when she loses her voice.
so i've taken over the preparing her lunch, breakfast and recess.. my my what a wonderful world.. and my mornings are alot quieter, and alot more sleepier.. :( so i rely on my lil nanna naps... :P
nighty nighttt
Friday, February 02, 2007
I've been reading about some of the things they offer (recreation wise) at Curtin, and my friend Nor introduced me to Curtin Volunteers! I really want to get involved with that... there's all that good for the soul stuff like helping the elderly and little kids and blind people.. i haven't done enough of that in my life..
After watching The Pursuit of Happyness yesterday, i came to realise how lucky i am. and the movie inspired me to help those who are less fortunate.. i can't do it right at this moment, because i have not much money myself, like i haven't earnt any through working :S.. but one day if i am rich or well-off (*coughs* hopefully) i will open houses for the less fortunate, large ones with lots of room so that perhaps each will have a place to stay at night.. i really pray that unemployment and all that social suffering will stop, and that God has a way to make all humans happy..
i often think that i could do without my parents, but only because of the super super overprotectiveness.. I often wish i lived alone and independently, with no one there to yell at me or make my blood boil.. But after watching the movie, which by the way is an excellent film to catch, very meaningful too, and Will Smith's son is soo cute! :) After it, i realised that i really shouldn't be so ungrateful.. it's not that i'm ungrateful, not at all, i am totally grateful to whatever they've provided me with, it's just the overbearing overprotectiveness that gets to me.
they just have to learn to let go..
i really really wish they knew how..