Monday, June 30, 2008
Off to bed soon, but was momentarily distracted by blogger. haha
went out to lunch near uni with a couple of people from work today. twas supposed to be someone's farewell lunch but they were sick and couldn't come, and no one brought lunch so they all decided to go anyway! Cafe Sahara it was; very nice butter chicken. :D lol they even have sheesha there. gross.
spent an hour or so on the piano trying to perfect my Love Song piano playing.. haha unfortunately I've only got some of it down pat. I bought the full score today, so thats good. and also bought Better in Time but the key is wrong.. but i figured out the right one anyway, so it's not too bad.. i can use it as a guide. lol. they gave me the shit easy one instead of the one with all the sharps/flats..
Caught Lipstick Jungle, or most of it, yesterday at 9.30pm.. I must say, I preferred Cashmere Mafia.
LJ was a little jumpy and strange, and none of the cast members are familiar to me.. lol.
Cashmere Mafia was a cool series. pity they had so few episodes! but i mean, SATC still remains the best out of the lot.. :) die hard fan. =P
BAH. another long day at workies tomorrow..
i have a love-hate relationship with my job.. lol.
hopefully on wed bossman won't be so.. emo..
he was rather emo last week, but i suspect that had something to do with girl problems.
haha. i mean, usually he's bright and chirpy and.. dances and sings broadway songs.
but he was totally flopped on the floor and depressed...
lol enough about that!
went out to lunch near uni with a couple of people from work today. twas supposed to be someone's farewell lunch but they were sick and couldn't come, and no one brought lunch so they all decided to go anyway! Cafe Sahara it was; very nice butter chicken. :D lol they even have sheesha there. gross.
spent an hour or so on the piano trying to perfect my Love Song piano playing.. haha unfortunately I've only got some of it down pat. I bought the full score today, so thats good. and also bought Better in Time but the key is wrong.. but i figured out the right one anyway, so it's not too bad.. i can use it as a guide. lol. they gave me the shit easy one instead of the one with all the sharps/flats..
Caught Lipstick Jungle, or most of it, yesterday at 9.30pm.. I must say, I preferred Cashmere Mafia.
LJ was a little jumpy and strange, and none of the cast members are familiar to me.. lol.
Cashmere Mafia was a cool series. pity they had so few episodes! but i mean, SATC still remains the best out of the lot.. :) die hard fan. =P
BAH. another long day at workies tomorrow..
i have a love-hate relationship with my job.. lol.
hopefully on wed bossman won't be so.. emo..
he was rather emo last week, but i suspect that had something to do with girl problems.
haha. i mean, usually he's bright and chirpy and.. dances and sings broadway songs.
but he was totally flopped on the floor and depressed...
lol enough about that!
Labels: Ramblings, TV shows, Work
Sunday, June 29, 2008
I got a haircuttt yayyyy
Was feeling stuck in a hair rut lately, so I went to Fringe Benefits at Curtin and got my hair done on Friday before work.. No pictures at the moment, due to the current terrible state of my skin. lol
Went to watch Get Smart with Maddi on Friday.
It was a WICKED ass movie.. We were laughing sooo much, and Steve Carell was awesommeee. But I am a big Steve Carell fan, so others may not have liked it as much.. but we LOVED it =D it was bloody hilarious, excellent comic timing from all members of the cast.. Masi Oka was sooo funny and cute! :D It was a really good movie, so won't mind watching it again! Moe totally missed out, she thought it was gonna be Steve Carell making an arse out of himself, but it was just sooo good.
Mads stayed over at mine, and we had brekkie at C15 on Saturday morning.. I personally like Dome better but it was crowded and noisy that morning.. But she enjoyed her Eggs Benedict! lol. after that we totted off to garbo and went to go get tix for Kung Fu Panda that evening! :P
Yes, yes we've been going nuts over the movies lately.. We've still got a majorly looooong line up of movies we HAVE to catch :) We tried visiting audz at Woolies but she was too busy so we only spoke momentarily.. :( aww haha
after toddling around garbo, mads dropped me off at auntie mich's so i could help out with bran's communion party celebrations. Mass was at 4pm, and lasted a most riveting 1.5 hours! But i ran into one of my uni friend's who plays the keyboard for that church! lol how random. and we're going to be in the same classes next semester too yayyyy! and moe and my friend tegan will be in my classes too. yayy!
anyway, after mass, we returned back to their house and began prepping for the guests to arrive.. the house was SO full.. needless to say I was rather out of my age group haha mostly older folks and really young kids.. but good food! :P maddi and simone came at around 8.20pm and saved me from boredom lol.. they had a quick bite to eat and we rushed off to catch:
Was feeling stuck in a hair rut lately, so I went to Fringe Benefits at Curtin and got my hair done on Friday before work.. No pictures at the moment, due to the current terrible state of my skin. lol
Went to watch Get Smart with Maddi on Friday.

Mads stayed over at mine, and we had brekkie at C15 on Saturday morning.. I personally like Dome better but it was crowded and noisy that morning.. But she enjoyed her Eggs Benedict! lol. after that we totted off to garbo and went to go get tix for Kung Fu Panda that evening! :P
Yes, yes we've been going nuts over the movies lately.. We've still got a majorly looooong line up of movies we HAVE to catch :) We tried visiting audz at Woolies but she was too busy so we only spoke momentarily.. :( aww haha
after toddling around garbo, mads dropped me off at auntie mich's so i could help out with bran's communion party celebrations. Mass was at 4pm, and lasted a most riveting 1.5 hours! But i ran into one of my uni friend's who plays the keyboard for that church! lol how random. and we're going to be in the same classes next semester too yayyyy! and moe and my friend tegan will be in my classes too. yayy!
anyway, after mass, we returned back to their house and began prepping for the guests to arrive.. the house was SO full.. needless to say I was rather out of my age group haha mostly older folks and really young kids.. but good food! :P maddi and simone came at around 8.20pm and saved me from boredom lol.. they had a quick bite to eat and we rushed off to catch:

This was bloody hilarious too, but Mads and I reckon we laughed more in Get Smart.. however, KFP was still an AWESOME animation, with bloody hilarious one-liners and very cute characters.. The storyline sort of jumped around a little, but it was still a really good movie..
Spent today in bed. haha nah not really, I had a really strange dream which made me wake up.. grrr. i can't remember what it was about now, but it was weird. lol.
I got the first page of sheet music for Sara Bareilles Love Song, and it is NOT an easy song for me to play on the piano. lol my left hand muscles were dying.. But that could be my lack of piano playing lately, so my left hand was out of practice. haha. it's such an overplayed song on the radio, but I think it's still hell nice.. anyway. i should probably go and make me some dindins.. gotta sleep earlyy tonight.. even though i REALLY want to watch Lipstick Jungle at 9.30.. grr.
Labels: Events, Friends, Movie Reviews, Ramblings
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tis nearly the weekend.
Hmm, yes you can see I don't have much to say.. haha.
Just here to chuck some random photos up, simply because I can.
In other random news, I got paid on Wednesday!! =D which resulted in a minor shopping spree, just for the sake of it. :P Going to get a haircut sometime in the near future too, take advantage of the fact that I can afford to get my hair cut through my own hard labour (:P haha hardly labour but sort of hard) unsure of what hairstyle to get, currently have three different choices, and hoping I don't make a huge mistake.
lol I found this random photo I took in the cinema where we watched the SATC movie =D
don't think i'd been in this reaaally big cinema before, fascinating. lol
and sexayy moe haha saving seats for mads and her sister and her friend. bit leggy there!
and i got this clutch agesssss ago, and just wanted to share the fact that I can fit at least 3 fold up brollies in it, with room to boot! hahaha. it's such an oversized clutch..
Tis nearly the weekend.
Hmm, yes you can see I don't have much to say.. haha.
Just here to chuck some random photos up, simply because I can.
In other random news, I got paid on Wednesday!! =D which resulted in a minor shopping spree, just for the sake of it. :P Going to get a haircut sometime in the near future too, take advantage of the fact that I can afford to get my hair cut through my own hard labour (:P haha hardly labour but sort of hard) unsure of what hairstyle to get, currently have three different choices, and hoping I don't make a huge mistake.
lol I found this random photo I took in the cinema where we watched the SATC movie =D

and i got this clutch agesssss ago, and just wanted to share the fact that I can fit at least 3 fold up brollies in it, with room to boot! hahaha. it's such an oversized clutch..
As I said, I went shopping on Wednesday after work, and I bought:
1. A top for work from TEMT
2. A dress/skirt from TEMT. (i'm not sure what it is, but it looks prettier as a dress :P)
1. A top for work from TEMT
2. A dress/skirt from TEMT. (i'm not sure what it is, but it looks prettier as a dress :P)

Yeah, not an extremely good picture!
3. A $10 black skirt from K-mart (total bargain!!)
4. $20 white knit crop jacket.. top thing.
5. Russell Peters DVD for $9 from sanity!! :D it's freakin' hilarioussss.
6. 2-pack White Chicks and Little Man dvd from K-Mart! :D
And I think that's all. haha.
Today, I went into work for about 3 hours to sort out stuff for them, and then went to visit Mads's cuz in hospital, with her newborn bubby! She was soooo cuuute! But from what she was telling us, I'm not looking forward to pregnancy one bit, in fact it's totally put me offf! I do wish babies were delivered by storks. hahahaha. lol jj.
Mads dropped me off at GC after, and I went and got our tix for Get Smart! WOOO! Can't wait.
After that I visited Audz at Woolies, and she very ungraciously opened my Pepsi Max bottle before I'd paid for it. :P hahahah just jokin audz, you dumbshit :P
anyway, ran into auntie mich and her two little minions (kids :P) and I said I'd walk around with them for awhile, and we went to Citybeach.. Now I'm really not a surfshop kinda person, I'm more of a bargain hunter, e.g. Kmart, or Temt and all those kinds of places. :P However, I go crazy over strappy flats, and couldn't resist going over to have a look at the whole bloody WALL of strappy flats in Citybeach.. And I found a wicked pair for only $19! I think they were down from $40 or something.. But $19 is a fair price to me.. Needless to say, they've been on my feet since I got home :P
3. A $10 black skirt from K-mart (total bargain!!)
4. $20 white knit crop jacket.. top thing.
5. Russell Peters DVD for $9 from sanity!! :D it's freakin' hilarioussss.
6. 2-pack White Chicks and Little Man dvd from K-Mart! :D
And I think that's all. haha.
Today, I went into work for about 3 hours to sort out stuff for them, and then went to visit Mads's cuz in hospital, with her newborn bubby! She was soooo cuuute! But from what she was telling us, I'm not looking forward to pregnancy one bit, in fact it's totally put me offf! I do wish babies were delivered by storks. hahahaha. lol jj.
Mads dropped me off at GC after, and I went and got our tix for Get Smart! WOOO! Can't wait.
After that I visited Audz at Woolies, and she very ungraciously opened my Pepsi Max bottle before I'd paid for it. :P hahahah just jokin audz, you dumbshit :P
anyway, ran into auntie mich and her two little minions (kids :P) and I said I'd walk around with them for awhile, and we went to Citybeach.. Now I'm really not a surfshop kinda person, I'm more of a bargain hunter, e.g. Kmart, or Temt and all those kinds of places. :P However, I go crazy over strappy flats, and couldn't resist going over to have a look at the whole bloody WALL of strappy flats in Citybeach.. And I found a wicked pair for only $19! I think they were down from $40 or something.. But $19 is a fair price to me.. Needless to say, they've been on my feet since I got home :P

but i likes these. :D
attending bran's 1st communion on the weekend, WOOT.
And mayy possibly head out after with Mads. lol.
so that concludes my highly boring post.
Labels: Friends, Ramblings, Shopping
Sunday, June 22, 2008
despite my better judgement, i am awake, and blogging nonetheless.
when i should really be sleeping!
anywho.. I've lacked the energy to blog much these days, and I've just been exhausted from working lol.
Went to catch You Don't Mess with the Zohan on Thursday with Mads and Moe, which was bloody hilarioussss. i love it.
I'd been seeing the trailer which kept repeating in Dick Smith which is just in front of my lottery place, and it looked funny.. So we decided to go catch it.
we were filled with non-stop laughter, and i absolutely LOVE Rob Schneider.. there's a whole run of movies i can't wait to watch! not going to be good for my wallet, specially when i'm trying to save up for my imac :D
had a pretty slack weekend though, slept in loads to regain lost sleep, but still found myself really tired..
Bought 3 DVDs yesterday at Kmart, namely Zoolander, Not Another Teen Movie and School of Rock .. Love them :)
Pirates of the Caribbean was on telly last night too!
was soo pumped because i haven't watched it in foreverrr.
i gotta find the POTC triple pack with all three movies.. that would be awesome.
so i had an awesome movie fest yesterday..
spent sunday doing the laundry, which was SO terribly exciting.
and i've just been watching tv since 6pm..
bad news for today: Nobbi was evicted from BB! :( NOOOOOOO
he was the reason i got addicted to BB08! gAHHHH..
even if he was a little shit stirrer.. haha he was hilariousss.
ahh i spose there's still Ben.. :)
god i don't know what's wrong with me, i've always hated BB with a passion.
i spose it's just the awesome people in the house this year.. i mean, most people hate BB08, but i reckon it's so much better than all the last years.. and meh about kyle and jackie-o, i was sick of seeing gretel's face anyway.
argh.. i best be off now, I gotta sleep early enough so I won't fall asleep at the desk tomorrow.
anywho.. I've lacked the energy to blog much these days, and I've just been exhausted from working lol.

I'd been seeing the trailer which kept repeating in Dick Smith which is just in front of my lottery place, and it looked funny.. So we decided to go catch it.
we were filled with non-stop laughter, and i absolutely LOVE Rob Schneider.. there's a whole run of movies i can't wait to watch! not going to be good for my wallet, specially when i'm trying to save up for my imac :D
had a pretty slack weekend though, slept in loads to regain lost sleep, but still found myself really tired..
Bought 3 DVDs yesterday at Kmart, namely Zoolander, Not Another Teen Movie and School of Rock .. Love them :)
Pirates of the Caribbean was on telly last night too!
was soo pumped because i haven't watched it in foreverrr.
i gotta find the POTC triple pack with all three movies.. that would be awesome.
so i had an awesome movie fest yesterday..
spent sunday doing the laundry, which was SO terribly exciting.
and i've just been watching tv since 6pm..
bad news for today: Nobbi was evicted from BB! :( NOOOOOOO
he was the reason i got addicted to BB08! gAHHHH..
even if he was a little shit stirrer.. haha he was hilariousss.
ahh i spose there's still Ben.. :)
god i don't know what's wrong with me, i've always hated BB with a passion.
i spose it's just the awesome people in the house this year.. i mean, most people hate BB08, but i reckon it's so much better than all the last years.. and meh about kyle and jackie-o, i was sick of seeing gretel's face anyway.
argh.. i best be off now, I gotta sleep early enough so I won't fall asleep at the desk tomorrow.
Labels: Movie Reviews, Ramblings, Shopping
Sunday, June 15, 2008
today was awfully rainy in the morning, so after saying bye to mum and jer who went back to spore today, i hopped back into bed for a little while, before i decided i'd better get off my lazy arse and do something with my morning. lol.
so i did 50 minutes on Wii Fit :D
then i decided, i need another wii guitar hero controller, because after playing by yourself for a while, or watching people play by themselves, it just gets rather.. boring. but with TWO guitars it's mucho excitement :D
so i left the house, and made my way to garbo, which was open today! not sure why it was open, but it was.. and i went past my lottery booth.. seems bossman "called in sick" so no one was there. hahaha that was his diabolical plan. i checked out Dick smith, Tandy, Myer, K-mart and DJ, but no luck finding any guitar controllers. Had some japanese food for lunch, and then went into EBGames... Unfortunately, they'd sold out of guitar controllers, but it gave me a ray of hope, that somewhere out there, an EBGames would still be in stock.
so then, i ventured into the city, and after getting slightly lost in Carillon City, something I thought i wouldn't be able to achieve, I found the EBGames, and to my greatest delight, THEY HAD THEM!! :D
yes, yes, and so concluded my hunt for the wii guitar controllers. :)
but wii guitar hero is seriously awesome.
I've finished Easy and Medium levels on Career mode, which was NOT an easy feat for me..
i'm really not that good at video games and such, but i looooooove wii guitar hero.
and the rock music is soo awesome.
i'm quite proud i defeated Lou the Devil on both Easy and Medium :D
took LOADS of effort though, failed so many bloody times.
Hard level was much too hard for me.. I nearly passed out trying to follow the gems.
looking at the screen and all the moving gem things makes my eyes go wacky.
moe and Maddi came over tonight for din dins, and moe and i were "facing-off" on the songs, we only actually battled once. lol.
it'd be a wicked group party game, if you had two groups and you take turns on it.. it should have a party shuffle mode thing.. that would be cool :p
anyway, i haven't actually written a solid amount of stuff here for awhile..
work's been going alright, it's quite boring and monotonous, and i've yet to receive my staff Id so there's not much i can do at the moment except file stuff.. lol.
but yeah, it's been going ok. i haven't been paid yet, but i can't wait..
$$$ cha ching :D
but i owe the 'rents for the graphic tablet they bought me.
speaking of work though, my lottery booth was robbed the other saturday, when bossman and his righthand man were there alone after 5.30 closing up. apparently, RHM had a knife put to his neck by the attacker, and we lost about 6 grand. scary huh?
i'd have shat myself if I was RHM, but he seems to be alright.. i wouldn't have left my house for a couple of days..
and the new touch screen machines have come in, but i'm not too fond of them... i went for the training but i just don't like them.. they're too slow i reckon.. they don't let you chuck in multiple orders like the other ones used to.. gah. and the scanner is retardation.
anyway, i best be off, early day tomorrow.. grr.
hope it doesn't piss down with rain again..
so i did 50 minutes on Wii Fit :D
then i decided, i need another wii guitar hero controller, because after playing by yourself for a while, or watching people play by themselves, it just gets rather.. boring. but with TWO guitars it's mucho excitement :D
so i left the house, and made my way to garbo, which was open today! not sure why it was open, but it was.. and i went past my lottery booth.. seems bossman "called in sick" so no one was there. hahaha that was his diabolical plan. i checked out Dick smith, Tandy, Myer, K-mart and DJ, but no luck finding any guitar controllers. Had some japanese food for lunch, and then went into EBGames... Unfortunately, they'd sold out of guitar controllers, but it gave me a ray of hope, that somewhere out there, an EBGames would still be in stock.
so then, i ventured into the city, and after getting slightly lost in Carillon City, something I thought i wouldn't be able to achieve, I found the EBGames, and to my greatest delight, THEY HAD THEM!! :D
yes, yes, and so concluded my hunt for the wii guitar controllers. :)
but wii guitar hero is seriously awesome.
I've finished Easy and Medium levels on Career mode, which was NOT an easy feat for me..
i'm really not that good at video games and such, but i looooooove wii guitar hero.
and the rock music is soo awesome.
i'm quite proud i defeated Lou the Devil on both Easy and Medium :D
took LOADS of effort though, failed so many bloody times.
Hard level was much too hard for me.. I nearly passed out trying to follow the gems.
looking at the screen and all the moving gem things makes my eyes go wacky.
moe and Maddi came over tonight for din dins, and moe and i were "facing-off" on the songs, we only actually battled once. lol.
it'd be a wicked group party game, if you had two groups and you take turns on it.. it should have a party shuffle mode thing.. that would be cool :p
anyway, i haven't actually written a solid amount of stuff here for awhile..
work's been going alright, it's quite boring and monotonous, and i've yet to receive my staff Id so there's not much i can do at the moment except file stuff.. lol.
but yeah, it's been going ok. i haven't been paid yet, but i can't wait..
$$$ cha ching :D
but i owe the 'rents for the graphic tablet they bought me.
speaking of work though, my lottery booth was robbed the other saturday, when bossman and his righthand man were there alone after 5.30 closing up. apparently, RHM had a knife put to his neck by the attacker, and we lost about 6 grand. scary huh?
i'd have shat myself if I was RHM, but he seems to be alright.. i wouldn't have left my house for a couple of days..
and the new touch screen machines have come in, but i'm not too fond of them... i went for the training but i just don't like them.. they're too slow i reckon.. they don't let you chuck in multiple orders like the other ones used to.. gah. and the scanner is retardation.
anyway, i best be off, early day tomorrow.. grr.
hope it doesn't piss down with rain again..
Labels: Friends, Ramblings, Shopping, Wii, Work
Friday, June 13, 2008
Guess what I FINALLY bought yesterday!!! :D
Spent like 3 hours or so glued to the TV screen unlocking songs hehe.
And most of them I'd never heard before, so it was a pretty good effort..
At about midnight I REALLY wanted to unlock the song Monsters by Matchbox Romance but it never came, so I resorted to unlocking all the songs in Quickplay by way of a cheat =P
but it is awesomely awesome.
Good things come to those who wait :P
and i can't wait for work to be over so i can go home and rock it out again :D
loads of other news, but I can't be on here too long, so I might save it for a lazy sunday.
work's been keeping me really busy, surprisingly busy.. and making me really tired.
some kind of a holiday aye. haha
Spent like 3 hours or so glued to the TV screen unlocking songs hehe.
And most of them I'd never heard before, so it was a pretty good effort..
At about midnight I REALLY wanted to unlock the song Monsters by Matchbox Romance but it never came, so I resorted to unlocking all the songs in Quickplay by way of a cheat =P
but it is awesomely awesome.
Good things come to those who wait :P
and i can't wait for work to be over so i can go home and rock it out again :D
loads of other news, but I can't be on here too long, so I might save it for a lazy sunday.
work's been keeping me really busy, surprisingly busy.. and making me really tired.
some kind of a holiday aye. haha
Saturday, June 07, 2008
I'm FINALLYYYY free from uni =D well, for now.
But I won't have much time during these holz anyway.. bah.
but anywho. mads came over on Thursday because she had a little stress attack and needed a fwen. lol. but she stayed over, and I was busy with my essay. however, miraculously, i finished most of it by about 10pm, a very amazing feat for a procrastinator such as I.
usually I'm up til about 4am trying to bullshit on hahaha
moe came over to, mostly to use my wii fit. hehe
and she finished her essay too, and stayed the night.
next day, after a most riveting 7.5 hours at work, I met up with Audz and she dropped me off at Moe's to get ready for only one of the BIGGEST movie events of the yearrrr =D
That's right.. The day had finally come for:
Moe and I cruised to Garbo in her Dad's 2nd hand BMW convertible, which she and her sister had picked up that day.. It was a rather cool car in retrospect, but I still managed to find lots of faults, thus I conclude that I don't really like it (plus it's manual haha) it kept stalling, but good thing there weren't many other cars around when it did.. and the seats were wayyyy too low for my liking.
We reached at about 7.15, a whole hour before, but made the bad mistake of going to play vroom-vrooms before heading into the cinema; fooled into thinking there was still plenty of time.
by the time we'd gotten our popcorn, well, actually, by the time SHE'd gotten her popcorn combos (which, although expensive were bloody awesome! the drink came in wicked plastic cocktail shakers, and the popcorn in a "shoe box" shaped box) we were in the middle of the line. but that didn't end up being too bad, we were able to reserve 3 more seats for Mads and her sister and her friend.
but onto the movie.
it was simply FABULOUS.
the clothes, the dialogue, every single details was absof***inglutely FABULOUS.
I'm FINALLYYYY free from uni =D well, for now.
But I won't have much time during these holz anyway.. bah.
but anywho. mads came over on Thursday because she had a little stress attack and needed a fwen. lol. but she stayed over, and I was busy with my essay. however, miraculously, i finished most of it by about 10pm, a very amazing feat for a procrastinator such as I.
usually I'm up til about 4am trying to bullshit on hahaha
moe came over to, mostly to use my wii fit. hehe
and she finished her essay too, and stayed the night.
next day, after a most riveting 7.5 hours at work, I met up with Audz and she dropped me off at Moe's to get ready for only one of the BIGGEST movie events of the yearrrr =D
That's right.. The day had finally come for:

Moe and I cruised to Garbo in her Dad's 2nd hand BMW convertible, which she and her sister had picked up that day.. It was a rather cool car in retrospect, but I still managed to find lots of faults, thus I conclude that I don't really like it (plus it's manual haha) it kept stalling, but good thing there weren't many other cars around when it did.. and the seats were wayyyy too low for my liking.
We reached at about 7.15, a whole hour before, but made the bad mistake of going to play vroom-vrooms before heading into the cinema; fooled into thinking there was still plenty of time.
by the time we'd gotten our popcorn, well, actually, by the time SHE'd gotten her popcorn combos (which, although expensive were bloody awesome! the drink came in wicked plastic cocktail shakers, and the popcorn in a "shoe box" shaped box) we were in the middle of the line. but that didn't end up being too bad, we were able to reserve 3 more seats for Mads and her sister and her friend.
but onto the movie.
it was simply FABULOUS.
the clothes, the dialogue, every single details was absof***inglutely FABULOUS.

and the plotline, was just oooooooh.
i nearly cried a couple of times, but then I still managed to find something funny and I just start cacking myself, and the tears went away.
it was, as you'd expect, highly sexual. hahaha. but also, so sweet and funny and just plain incredible. and their friendship, is just beautiful.
I kinda wish we had all four of us there last night, would've made it all cool.
ehh i can't be bothered going into my d&m about friends, wayy too tired.. perhaps I'll save it all for another day..
Mads and Moe made cosmos last night too! haha =)
In other news, spent today cleaning the house as quick as i could because the rents came back today!
And they brought with them...
Labels: Friends, Movie Reviews, Ramblings
Monday, June 02, 2008
Worked for about 2-3 hours doing filing at uni today.. WOO
Spent the whole weekend at maddi's and only left at about 11pm!
I officially HATE dreamweaver.
actually it's not so bad now that i know how to use it.
finally the hols are here.. but i haven't had my long rest yet, i've been so busy since friday! =)
i can't wait for friday, even though i have to go in and hand in my essay.. but i'll be working that day anyway, so woot. and SATC in the night!! =D yayyyy
moe, mads and i are going to have a blast.. too bad carrot won't be there.. or it'd be like such a SATC thing :( ah well..
moe, mads and i are going to have a blast.. too bad carrot won't be there.. or it'd be like such a SATC thing :( ah well..
Labels: Ramblings