Wednesday, July 30, 2008
worked today.. met yet another new girl =D she's nicee.
finished at 3 and met audz for some lunch, meatball sub all the wayyyy
went to sizzlers for dindins but i'll blog about that tomorrow when i get home and put my pics on la computadore :)
just wanted to jump around and squeal that the HALF BLOOD PRINCE TEASER TRAILER IS FINALLY OUTTTTTTTTTT
been waiting for SOMETHING for bloody ages..
on the downside. Richie chewed up like my fave hairband!!!
what's gonna save my hair from bad hair days now?!
you owe me a new hairband doggy!
it's such a bummer that HP&HBP movie only comes out in bloody December here! everywhere else gets it in freakin' November!?!
hmm. off to bed. early start tomorrow. NIGHTT!
Labels: Harry Potter, Ramblings
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
yet another rainy day at uni today :( and i had a hole in the bottom of my candy shoes!! those are freakin' ancient shoes though, i spose it's time to throw them out!
had them since like year 9.. whoaaa
went to uni hell early today, because i left my wallet in audz's bag. -_- such a dumb thing to do. that's TWICE i've been without my wallet this week! ahhh.
whirled around in the abacus lab on illustrator doing the assignment we were set on monday until audz finished her class. then we went to eat some lunchies.
my lecture today was SO unbelievably boring. watched some one hour video on sustainable something or other and I fell asleep for about 20 minutes haha. it was dark in the lecture theatre and i was sleepy, i couldn't help it! :D gloomy days..
but when i got home, i had a nice surprise sitting on my doormat waiting for moi to arrive! =D

my Threadless tees!!! =D
they are soooo awesome.
and i just love the packaging :D
had them since like year 9.. whoaaa
went to uni hell early today, because i left my wallet in audz's bag. -_- such a dumb thing to do. that's TWICE i've been without my wallet this week! ahhh.
whirled around in the abacus lab on illustrator doing the assignment we were set on monday until audz finished her class. then we went to eat some lunchies.
my lecture today was SO unbelievably boring. watched some one hour video on sustainable something or other and I fell asleep for about 20 minutes haha. it was dark in the lecture theatre and i was sleepy, i couldn't help it! :D gloomy days..
but when i got home, i had a nice surprise sitting on my doormat waiting for moi to arrive! =D

my Threadless tees!!! =D
they are soooo awesome.
and i just love the packaging :D

and i want to design some too.. but i have to think of a wicked concept first.
work tomorrow woooot.
and staying at Audz's. i think.
hahaha audz.
just a random thought:
i lovelovelove the KFC hot and spicy fillets advertisements. where they slap people's faces.
and staying at Audz's. i think.
hahaha audz.
just a random thought:
i lovelovelove the KFC hot and spicy fillets advertisements. where they slap people's faces.
Labels: Friends, Ramblings, Shopping, Uni Crap
Monday, July 28, 2008
HBP trailer should be coming soon!!
arhhhh i can't waitttt..
Labels: Harry Potter
first day back to uni!
start of a new semester, should've been exciting, but the weather made it so depressing.
pissed down real hard today, and being cold and wet really didn't make it a very good 1st day back at uni. plus i was sleepy, and was totally out of it by the 2nd lecture! digital design was good though, we started using illustrator =D fun stuff. and moe and i got the AWESOME dig design tutor this time..
we have a pretty random class this semester though :S only a couple of people from last semester's class :( bummer. but oh well, at least there's still some of us!
i probably should start with the readings soon, but for now, totally sleep deprived!
moe sounded terrible this morning, hacking and sneezing everywhere, and her voice was so hoarse! she'd gone to a sunday sesh at the ruby room on sunday and got like 1.5 hours of sleep.. crazy woman!
after classes, audz and i went to hunt for an ANZ so i could deposit some cash to pay for my schmexy LG Viewty!! =D found one in cannington, and then we went to go whirl around in Big W for awhile.. scored some AWESOME shoesies for only $5 a pair! :D
start of a new semester, should've been exciting, but the weather made it so depressing.
pissed down real hard today, and being cold and wet really didn't make it a very good 1st day back at uni. plus i was sleepy, and was totally out of it by the 2nd lecture! digital design was good though, we started using illustrator =D fun stuff. and moe and i got the AWESOME dig design tutor this time..
we have a pretty random class this semester though :S only a couple of people from last semester's class :( bummer. but oh well, at least there's still some of us!
i probably should start with the readings soon, but for now, totally sleep deprived!
moe sounded terrible this morning, hacking and sneezing everywhere, and her voice was so hoarse! she'd gone to a sunday sesh at the ruby room on sunday and got like 1.5 hours of sleep.. crazy woman!
after classes, audz and i went to hunt for an ANZ so i could deposit some cash to pay for my schmexy LG Viewty!! =D found one in cannington, and then we went to go whirl around in Big W for awhile.. scored some AWESOME shoesies for only $5 a pair! :D

and also a wicked teal cardigan and random purple dress/top thing. which look fab together =D and paired with my older pair of new shoes =D
after we finished whirling around Big W, we grabbed some Wendy's. CANNOT believe Audz hadn't eaten sorbet before.. like COME ON dude, sorbet is the bomb!

got strawberries and cream flavour, hadn't eaten it in foreverrr.
got home and flopped onto the couch for awhile. :D
gotta love Good News Week. and Josh Thomas! hahaha he's so baby cute.
and for the yay factor of the day:
i got my first credit card today!! =D
i got my first credit card today!! =D
Labels: Friends, Ramblings, Shopping, Uni Crap
Sunday, July 27, 2008
well, i definitely made use of the last weekend before 2nd semester begins! lol.
mailed Jer a package with awesome stuff (can't reveal til it's received :P) on saturday, and then went around grocery shopping and general shopping. also got another pacman scratchie and actually won $20 !! i love pacman scratchies.. hahaha. poor audz wasn't as lucky, she didn't win anything..
after getting home, i spent the rest of the day bumming around, when i was supposed to be doing massive load of house chores.. the only productive thing i did was do massive loads of laundry. hahaha. but now i have this massive pile of clean laundry to fold, which is to say the least, absolutely horrible! at least i have stuff to wear now :P then i was prancing around with my ipod listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack and dancing like the biggest tool on earth. which left me quite tired, so i collapsed on the bed at about 6. only to be woken by a phone call from audz. haha she then made me go to the Ruby Room with her and 2 of her friendles S and L. even though i was tired tired tired. *shakes fist* :P
first we queued up to get stamped for the Ruby Room, as it was still quite early, but we wanted to get stamped first.
i stupidly stuck my wrist out instead of the top of my hand, so now the stamp is on part of my henna tattoo.. dangflabbit. and if you've been to the ruby room, you'll know the stamp is wicked hard to scrub off your skin! haha
then we proceeded to the casino, and decided to give the random machines a whirl while S & L went off to play Blackjack. we didn't even KNOW what the hell we were doing! we were just putting in the coins and pressing random buttons.. we did find one machine which we liked, Mountain Chief :D but we really had no idea what we were doing.. total casino noobs. hahaha
and it's FULL of old people.. like whoaa dude. totally on the wrong turf. hahaha
at about 10, audz and i decided we were starving, and so we headed to the food court for some dindins.
i swear, i could live on pasta. :D
audz had some veg lasagne.
pretty expensive, but it is the burswood after all.
random camwhoring pics. =D
the Irish pub Paddy Hannan's was buzzing with life, moe and i have always wanted to go in there and hang. =D
S & L joined us after we had finished eating, and they got a plate of chips.. it was so funny when they put the pepper shaker into audz's handbag, in the hopes that she wouldn't notice it was there! but as fate may have it, she found it when she went to reapply her lipgloss.. :)
headed to the ruby room at about 11.30 i think? and spent the night dancing awayyy..
and of course, poor audz became the target of some weird indian guy!!!!
he just ALWAYS seemed to manage to find her, even when we tried escaping to the top floor. he somehow found us.. gAH.. i'm sure he meant no harm, but eeeeek.
bloody stalkerazzi.
they had pretty odd music sometimes, and the floor was absolutely chockers with broken glass.. ruined the small heels on my boots :( and gave me feet ache because of the uneven dancefloor. lol.
so we left at about 1.30am.. and then poured ourselves into bed at around 3am/ haha
was still so tired the next morning! awoke to the sounds of Richie barking, so i got up and put him outside so he could do his business and stuff. hahaha
we had lunch at nandos today. i've had enough nandos this WEEK to last me at least a couple of months. hahaha
we had to flip a coin to decide where to go..
and then we decided just to make our joint decisions using this coin from now on. hahaha
influence from The Dark Knight much?
yummmmmm tenderloins.
also tried perinaise today, we LOVEEE it. :D
and the damage we left behind =D
took a random picture in the HJs toilette. hahaha
after lunching, we went to the city on ze train, something audz hadn't done in awhile hahaha
we went around looking in the small shops for a new phone cover for her phone. and also drooling at LG Viewtys. WHICH I JUST FOUND OUT THAT I WON OFF EBAY!! SO i will have to drool no longer!!! =D =D

yayy meee.
the random GO button in the lift at the train stationn.
=D we were extremely lazy, and took the random lift up and down.
after we went around shopping, audz got hungry again -_-
she's like a bottomless pit i swear.
so we decided to get the 2 for price of 1 pretzels, and got a cinnamon one and chocolate one.
mailed Jer a package with awesome stuff (can't reveal til it's received :P) on saturday, and then went around grocery shopping and general shopping. also got another pacman scratchie and actually won $20 !! i love pacman scratchies.. hahaha. poor audz wasn't as lucky, she didn't win anything..
after getting home, i spent the rest of the day bumming around, when i was supposed to be doing massive load of house chores.. the only productive thing i did was do massive loads of laundry. hahaha. but now i have this massive pile of clean laundry to fold, which is to say the least, absolutely horrible! at least i have stuff to wear now :P then i was prancing around with my ipod listening to the Mamma Mia soundtrack and dancing like the biggest tool on earth. which left me quite tired, so i collapsed on the bed at about 6. only to be woken by a phone call from audz. haha she then made me go to the Ruby Room with her and 2 of her friendles S and L. even though i was tired tired tired. *shakes fist* :P
first we queued up to get stamped for the Ruby Room, as it was still quite early, but we wanted to get stamped first.

then we proceeded to the casino, and decided to give the random machines a whirl while S & L went off to play Blackjack. we didn't even KNOW what the hell we were doing! we were just putting in the coins and pressing random buttons.. we did find one machine which we liked, Mountain Chief :D but we really had no idea what we were doing.. total casino noobs. hahaha
and it's FULL of old people.. like whoaa dude. totally on the wrong turf. hahaha
at about 10, audz and i decided we were starving, and so we headed to the food court for some dindins.

pretty expensive, but it is the burswood after all.

the Irish pub Paddy Hannan's was buzzing with life, moe and i have always wanted to go in there and hang. =D

and of course, poor audz became the target of some weird indian guy!!!!
he just ALWAYS seemed to manage to find her, even when we tried escaping to the top floor. he somehow found us.. gAH.. i'm sure he meant no harm, but eeeeek.
bloody stalkerazzi.
they had pretty odd music sometimes, and the floor was absolutely chockers with broken glass.. ruined the small heels on my boots :( and gave me feet ache because of the uneven dancefloor. lol.
so we left at about 1.30am.. and then poured ourselves into bed at around 3am/ haha
was still so tired the next morning! awoke to the sounds of Richie barking, so i got up and put him outside so he could do his business and stuff. hahaha
we had lunch at nandos today. i've had enough nandos this WEEK to last me at least a couple of months. hahaha

and then we decided just to make our joint decisions using this coin from now on. hahaha
influence from The Dark Knight much?

also tried perinaise today, we LOVEEE it. :D

after lunching, we went to the city on ze train, something audz hadn't done in awhile hahaha
we went around looking in the small shops for a new phone cover for her phone. and also drooling at LG Viewtys. WHICH I JUST FOUND OUT THAT I WON OFF EBAY!! SO i will have to drool no longer!!! =D =D

yayy meee.

=D we were extremely lazy, and took the random lift up and down.
after we went around shopping, audz got hungry again -_-
she's like a bottomless pit i swear.
so we decided to get the 2 for price of 1 pretzels, and got a cinnamon one and chocolate one.

looook at that. it practically screams fatttyyyy
it was extremely difficult to eat.. we had disgustingly messy fingers. haha.
such unglamorous food. :P
we wandered around some more and ended up in Supre, where we bought stuff =D.
the time flew by pretty fast, and by the time we realised, it was already 5 and the shops were shutting.. dangflabbit. haha.
so we went back to audz's for awhile and died on the couch for an hour or so, before we decided to head out for dindins.
went to Yummy, but they didn't have mee goreng, so we headed to chin's. but their fried ice cream had coconut! ohh the dilemmas.
so we went next door to Emperor's Kitchen, and ordered:
mee goreng!! :D
it was yumcityy. but rather salty.
salt & chilli chicken. good stuff. but rather too much for the two of us, although we polished it off.
it was extremely difficult to eat.. we had disgustingly messy fingers. haha.
such unglamorous food. :P
we wandered around some more and ended up in Supre, where we bought stuff =D.
the time flew by pretty fast, and by the time we realised, it was already 5 and the shops were shutting.. dangflabbit. haha.
so we went back to audz's for awhile and died on the couch for an hour or so, before we decided to head out for dindins.
went to Yummy, but they didn't have mee goreng, so we headed to chin's. but their fried ice cream had coconut! ohh the dilemmas.
so we went next door to Emperor's Kitchen, and ordered:

it was yumcityy. but rather salty.

and of course, fried ice creeam.
which we found unfortunately, had ALOT more coconut than we had expected from what one of the chicks told us. :S.
lies i tell you.. LIES.
but we gave it 3 stars. at least the ice cream was quite hard and icy still, unlike Cafe Somerville's which was quite soupy.
our trail of destruction. :P
after we had eaten, we were trying hard to entertain ourselves, and distract ourselves from the drunk and rowdy table across the restaurant full of these Chinese people laughing, yelling NEGA NEGA NEGA BU BU BU at the top of their lungs and arguing (happily i think, or mostly drunkenly), and mostly spoiling the whole atmosphere for the other customers. so we decided to play coin toss. =D
we made up different things like skulling? the chinese tea, mixed with ice cream, :P and all sorts of bullshit, which only we can appreciate. :P
audz and i know how to entertain ourselves very well :D
there's always loads of laughter involved with us.
and some unneccessary tea spilling out of cups and mouths. mostly by audz. hahaha
we were also trying to remember how you position the lid when you want a chinese tea refill.
like this???
maybe audz's strange way??
but we just couldn't! :P
fortunately, one of the waiters saw us being retarded with the lid, and came over to take our teapot.. and show us what we were supposed to have done.
yes.. we are very good Asians.
then when we'd already finished, we realised that the walls were...
Only Audz's fave colour! :D
naww she loves the wall..
which we found unfortunately, had ALOT more coconut than we had expected from what one of the chicks told us. :S.
lies i tell you.. LIES.
but we gave it 3 stars. at least the ice cream was quite hard and icy still, unlike Cafe Somerville's which was quite soupy.

after we had eaten, we were trying hard to entertain ourselves, and distract ourselves from the drunk and rowdy table across the restaurant full of these Chinese people laughing, yelling NEGA NEGA NEGA BU BU BU at the top of their lungs and arguing (happily i think, or mostly drunkenly), and mostly spoiling the whole atmosphere for the other customers. so we decided to play coin toss. =D
audz and i know how to entertain ourselves very well :D
there's always loads of laughter involved with us.
and some unneccessary tea spilling out of cups and mouths. mostly by audz. hahaha

but we just couldn't! :P
fortunately, one of the waiters saw us being retarded with the lid, and came over to take our teapot.. and show us what we were supposed to have done.

then when we'd already finished, we realised that the walls were...
Only Audz's fave colour! :D

uni starts tomorrowww noooooo..
at least i made the most of my weekend. haha
i REALLY should be asleep right now.. but meh. i'll live..
and now. just a random shot of my purple shoes. =D
at least i made the most of my weekend. haha
i REALLY should be asleep right now.. but meh. i'll live..
and now. just a random shot of my purple shoes. =D

alright, eyes are burning with lack of sleep..
Labels: Ebay, Food, Friends, Ramblings, Shopping
Friday, July 25, 2008
i love twitter.
it's the cutest thing ever.
i think i may be slightly addicted.
last day of work was today, and i did a shitload of hours, but could only be paid for 7.5 :(
went in bloody early with auntie mich and left at about 5.30pm. gahh
uni is starting on monday! weeeee
at least i did productive stuff during the hols.. aka worked.
i forgot my damn wallet today, so i had no moneys :o
but i survived.
at least i brought my brunch bars =D for most of the day i was starving. and dehydrated.
but auntie mich bought me nandos =D yayy
we did have an orientation lunch but i didn't take too much food because there were so many students! but i scored a free jug of OJ which i pawned off to audz. nothing wrong with it, it was good OJ! i just didn't feel like oj. :)
so audz and i decided to venture to cafe somerville for dindins, as i was craving fried riceicles and she was craving fried ice cream..sicles.
we ended up ordering mee goreng,

and spicy nasi goreng

both of which we shared.
Mee Goreng was b-e-a-utiful was per usual, but Nasi goreng, not so impressive. :)
probably because the awesomeness of the mee goreng we sampled before it totally overpowered it. :P and lots and lots of good chinese tea. which tasted a little odd. by the end of the meal, we suspected they spiked our tea with something because we were going totally retarded, talking about backwash and laughing our nads off. if we even have nads. bahahah. ok no we don't, but i think it's alot harder to laugh your ass off.. :P
audz thought i told her she needs to wash her back when i refused to drink her tea because of backwash. bahahaha. and we kept laughing manically, the whole restaurant must've thought we'd escaped from some sort of asylum.
you are a TWIT audz.
and they probably didn't spike the tea, we were just being retards.
bffn retardos.
and the fried ice cream.. not so good. it had COCONUT.

coconut is evilll.
the bread stuff was good.. ice cream was sorta melted, and became rather soupy rather fast, so overall we give it.. 2 stars. out of 5.
yes. we decided our mission in life was to go around Perth sampling all the fried ice creams and rating them. ;D so far.. Yummy = 5 stars. Cafe Somerville = 2 stars.
going to have a nice, well-deserved sleep in tomorrow and Sunday, or i may not last through the first week of uni! hahaha
and i'm still not sure what i will be doing tomorrow evening..
to club or not to club, zat is the question.
it's the cutest thing ever.
i think i may be slightly addicted.
last day of work was today, and i did a shitload of hours, but could only be paid for 7.5 :(
went in bloody early with auntie mich and left at about 5.30pm. gahh
uni is starting on monday! weeeee
at least i did productive stuff during the hols.. aka worked.
i forgot my damn wallet today, so i had no moneys :o
but i survived.
at least i brought my brunch bars =D for most of the day i was starving. and dehydrated.
but auntie mich bought me nandos =D yayy
we did have an orientation lunch but i didn't take too much food because there were so many students! but i scored a free jug of OJ which i pawned off to audz. nothing wrong with it, it was good OJ! i just didn't feel like oj. :)
so audz and i decided to venture to cafe somerville for dindins, as i was craving fried riceicles and she was craving fried ice cream..sicles.
we ended up ordering mee goreng,

and spicy nasi goreng

both of which we shared.
Mee Goreng was b-e-a-utiful was per usual, but Nasi goreng, not so impressive. :)
probably because the awesomeness of the mee goreng we sampled before it totally overpowered it. :P and lots and lots of good chinese tea. which tasted a little odd. by the end of the meal, we suspected they spiked our tea with something because we were going totally retarded, talking about backwash and laughing our nads off. if we even have nads. bahahah. ok no we don't, but i think it's alot harder to laugh your ass off.. :P
audz thought i told her she needs to wash her back when i refused to drink her tea because of backwash. bahahaha. and we kept laughing manically, the whole restaurant must've thought we'd escaped from some sort of asylum.
you are a TWIT audz.
and they probably didn't spike the tea, we were just being retards.
bffn retardos.
and the fried ice cream.. not so good. it had COCONUT.

coconut is evilll.
the bread stuff was good.. ice cream was sorta melted, and became rather soupy rather fast, so overall we give it.. 2 stars. out of 5.
yes. we decided our mission in life was to go around Perth sampling all the fried ice creams and rating them. ;D so far.. Yummy = 5 stars. Cafe Somerville = 2 stars.
going to have a nice, well-deserved sleep in tomorrow and Sunday, or i may not last through the first week of uni! hahaha
and i'm still not sure what i will be doing tomorrow evening..
to club or not to club, zat is the question.
Labels: Food, Friends, Ramblings, Work
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
S'been a tiring past few days! 2 late night movies 2 days in a row. such a bad idea!
however, they were pretty good movies! :)
well to start off, on thursday night, Audz and I went to catch:

Justin Timberlake was so random in it haha.. and Verne Troyer! His voice is so funny.
stayed at auntie mich's on saturday to help "baby sit" the kids.. except it was basically bran. lol.
played guitar hero for awhile then just sat down and watched tv the rest of the night.
played guitar hero for awhile then just sat down and watched tv the rest of the night.
audz came sunday morning to pick me up and we went to eat some dim sum at Yummy :D
we had a total overload of prawns that day! good shit though.
char siew buns!
mine and audz fave, chee cheong fun~
seaweed rolls
audrey hadn't tried fried ice cream before, so we decided to get one to share :D
random camwhoring during lunch
we couldn't really use my camera, or rather, didn't want to because we were sharing this huge table with 4 other people, so for the sake of not embarrassing ourselves, we used the more subtle mobile phone camera :P
after that we headed to Freo! :)
and we got tattooed! :D
not really
just henna tattooed :D
its all orangey now.. wish it was black, haha but i don't trust black henna.
i wish i could get a star tattoo on my wrist. :D
like a REAL one. but i'm too much of a chicken
anyway, that night, after our lovely dominos pizza dinner we went to watch:

the next day, i was supposed to watch The Dark Knight with mads at La Premiere, however we tried to get the ticket too late so we just had to go the normal movies! :D
But it was, as critics were saying, an amazing performance by Heath Ledger. It didn't even sound like him, and he was very convincingly creepy. the storyline was pretty good, quite disturbing though. but totally action packed, and very loud hahaha

after a couple of nights without much sleep, i was so dead at work on monday and tuesday. and then i got a call from bossman sometime during the arvo when i was at curtin.
said the big boss aka his faja wanted to hold a staff meeting then bring all the staff out for dinner afterwards. so POOF went my idea to stay at work late to finish stuff.
the staff meeting was slightly uncomfortable, you could totally break the tension with an icepick hahaha, we were all terrified he would pick on us, but it didn't turn out to be so bad. and free flow of chinese tea, which was kind of bad, it makes me piss like a pregnant woman (ahhaha personal joke)
had dinner at a chinese restaurant, and had to eat a piece of pig intestine, which was obviously bleghhh. and i ate tofu, didn't want to be rude and reject anything. escaped the leafy greens though hehehe. but it was pretty fun that night. bossman dropped almost everyone off home after that. not good, as i was in the middle seat. hate the middle seat with a passion! hahaha
went to bed shortly after arriving home because I had to leave for curtin at 6.15am. yes i know, terribly late isn't it. :P well i had to do stuff for about 2 hours before rushing to garbo.
it was nerve wracking waiting for the buses! gahh. i think i'd reached the overtired point by this time, and so i seemed to be okay, and quite alert during work, unlike last week, when i was actually tired. haha.
stayed over at audrey's on wednesday night, and we took Richie out in the car. turns out he's bloody terrified of the freakin' car moving. -_-"
he wouldn't stop moving, and he was digging really hard into my arms and legs with his claws.. nails.. whatever they are. haha. and he almost squeezed out the small gap in the window, which was to say the least scary, because I almost couldn't pull him back into the car! stupid dog. hahaha. and we brought him to Blockbuster too! hahaha
borrowed Step Up 2! yayy i love it so muchh.
can't wait to own it.. yeahhh
work was terribly busy today.. and i spent one hour overtime there, swearing at the computer screen. lol.
my last day there tomorrow! :D woohoooo
i hope i 'll be able to work there some time again, but for now, i think i've had enough of whirling around at the desk, students who i can't understand and angry relatives of students going nuts.
said the big boss aka his faja wanted to hold a staff meeting then bring all the staff out for dinner afterwards. so POOF went my idea to stay at work late to finish stuff.
the staff meeting was slightly uncomfortable, you could totally break the tension with an icepick hahaha, we were all terrified he would pick on us, but it didn't turn out to be so bad. and free flow of chinese tea, which was kind of bad, it makes me piss like a pregnant woman (ahhaha personal joke)
had dinner at a chinese restaurant, and had to eat a piece of pig intestine, which was obviously bleghhh. and i ate tofu, didn't want to be rude and reject anything. escaped the leafy greens though hehehe. but it was pretty fun that night. bossman dropped almost everyone off home after that. not good, as i was in the middle seat. hate the middle seat with a passion! hahaha
went to bed shortly after arriving home because I had to leave for curtin at 6.15am. yes i know, terribly late isn't it. :P well i had to do stuff for about 2 hours before rushing to garbo.
it was nerve wracking waiting for the buses! gahh. i think i'd reached the overtired point by this time, and so i seemed to be okay, and quite alert during work, unlike last week, when i was actually tired. haha.
stayed over at audrey's on wednesday night, and we took Richie out in the car. turns out he's bloody terrified of the freakin' car moving. -_-"
he wouldn't stop moving, and he was digging really hard into my arms and legs with his claws.. nails.. whatever they are. haha. and he almost squeezed out the small gap in the window, which was to say the least scary, because I almost couldn't pull him back into the car! stupid dog. hahaha. and we brought him to Blockbuster too! hahaha
borrowed Step Up 2! yayy i love it so muchh.
can't wait to own it.. yeahhh
work was terribly busy today.. and i spent one hour overtime there, swearing at the computer screen. lol.
my last day there tomorrow! :D woohoooo
i hope i 'll be able to work there some time again, but for now, i think i've had enough of whirling around at the desk, students who i can't understand and angry relatives of students going nuts.
going crazy early tomorrow so i can wrap up things there. lol.
and then might be going out with audrey for dinner, if she's not too tired.
we're the bestest BFFNs =D
and then might be going out with audrey for dinner, if she's not too tired.
we're the bestest BFFNs =D
Labels: Food, Friends, Movie Reviews, Ramblings, Work