Sunday, October 19, 2008
I'm officially a crazy Twilight saga fan! :D
my blog skin has been changed, only until I've watched the movie in November!! booyahh
I bowed to temptation, just finished Breaking Dawn about an hour ago, can finally catch up with the Imprint podcast.. ehhe. can't wait to see how they did the movie, i hope it's awesomee.
anyway, i'll be away for awhile, I shouldn't even be here.. lots of work to do!!
and lots lotslots of pictures etc to come!! :)
see you on nov 3. :D
my blog skin has been changed, only until I've watched the movie in November!! booyahh
I bowed to temptation, just finished Breaking Dawn about an hour ago, can finally catch up with the Imprint podcast.. ehhe. can't wait to see how they did the movie, i hope it's awesomee.
anyway, i'll be away for awhile, I shouldn't even be here.. lots of work to do!!
and lots lotslots of pictures etc to come!! :)
see you on nov 3. :D
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
never mind the fact that this is INEXCUSABLY late.
Potbelleez and my birthday were nearly a month ago!
but hey, i had a million gajillion assignments aiight!
but this ain't gonna be wordy, got bigger and better things to move onto!
anyway, potbelleez was pretty good, except for the fact we had to leave pretty early as the rents and jerri were returning and would not have been able to get in the house.. haha
lol audz & I
Me and Moe :D
half of the potbelleez.
we were rather unsatisfied, because we didn't get to hear the potbelleez sing! we left before the other 2 came out to sing. :( and it was soooo annoying, they were sposed to be playing from 9-12am!
i swear. i didn't eat all the twisties!! :D
and BEST shot of the night.
my 3 girls doin sambuca shots, and then me capturing the aftermath.
:D hahaha
anyway, the first dj was awesome and what we saw of the potbelleez was meh.
not really worth the $33 unless we stayed the whole night tho :(
to finish, some random photos:

we brought richie to pt walter to walk on the strip. :D
(naww i miss his fur, he's all bald and skinny now!)
guess which one was my bday cake!!! =D
never mind the fact that this is INEXCUSABLY late.
Potbelleez and my birthday were nearly a month ago!
but hey, i had a million gajillion assignments aiight!
but this ain't gonna be wordy, got bigger and better things to move onto!
anyway, potbelleez was pretty good, except for the fact we had to leave pretty early as the rents and jerri were returning and would not have been able to get in the house.. haha


my 3 girls doin sambuca shots, and then me capturing the aftermath.
:D hahaha
anyway, the first dj was awesome and what we saw of the potbelleez was meh.
not really worth the $33 unless we stayed the whole night tho :(
to finish, some random photos:

(naww i miss his fur, he's all bald and skinny now!)
Labels: Events, Friends, Outings, Ramblings
Saturday, October 04, 2008
My whole body aches like hell.
it's rather unpleasant.
but meh.
more importantly
the grass is short!!!!
spent approx 11 hours in the garden chopping away at the grass and dragging out weeds.
but im not feeling too bad now, just yesterday when I finally lay down, all my muscles were just dying. hahaha
dim summed today, YUMMO, and rented a shitload of dvds from civic, PLUS Pirates of the caribbean: curse of the black pearl ex rental for only 6.95!!! woooohoooo
then chilled at audz's watching foxtel.
hmm, i really should've been doing something a little more productive! hehe
and lastly,
audz and I can't get enough of this video.
it's rather unpleasant.
but meh.
more importantly
the grass is short!!!!
spent approx 11 hours in the garden chopping away at the grass and dragging out weeds.
but im not feeling too bad now, just yesterday when I finally lay down, all my muscles were just dying. hahaha
dim summed today, YUMMO, and rented a shitload of dvds from civic, PLUS Pirates of the caribbean: curse of the black pearl ex rental for only 6.95!!! woooohoooo
then chilled at audz's watching foxtel.
hmm, i really should've been doing something a little more productive! hehe
and lastly,
audz and I can't get enough of this video.
Labels: Complaints, Friends, Ramblings, Youtube
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Went into uni today, and SURPRISEEE i finished an assignment a week early!!
lol not really. i can't join the ranks of the anti procrastinators just yet.
and it's only an indesign one, which is piss easy.
anyway, i'm all set for that! But I have a lotttt of other assignments to do, research to start, bla bla bla.
when i got home, I started to do some gardening, because the front yard is in a disgraceful state.
it practicallyscreams screamed NO ONE HAS LIVED HERE FOR A MILLION GAZILLION YEARS. which is so not true, because i've been at home most of the year!
after laboriously dragging the weeds out by hand, (with audrey's help snapping away at the tall ones with the big chomping blade thingos), I decided, it was high time to bring on the power tools! :D
audrey cut about half the front yard with the grass cutter thing, and then I did the rest. but of course, plenty more work to be done still, and lots of raking. stupid weeds and long grasses!
AND there's still the freakin backyard. GAHH
and my arms want to fall off and die. they're so sore.
and to top it all off, i'm pretty sure I got a forearm tan, and probably face tan. which isn't good, because only those two parts were showing, meaning my skin colour is ONCE AGAIN uneven.
lol not really. i can't join the ranks of the anti procrastinators just yet.
and it's only an indesign one, which is piss easy.
anyway, i'm all set for that! But I have a lotttt of other assignments to do, research to start, bla bla bla.
when i got home, I started to do some gardening, because the front yard is in a disgraceful state.
it practically
after laboriously dragging the weeds out by hand, (with audrey's help snapping away at the tall ones with the big chomping blade thingos), I decided, it was high time to bring on the power tools! :D
audrey cut about half the front yard with the grass cutter thing, and then I did the rest. but of course, plenty more work to be done still, and lots of raking. stupid weeds and long grasses!
AND there's still the freakin backyard. GAHH
and my arms want to fall off and die. they're so sore.
and to top it all off, i'm pretty sure I got a forearm tan, and probably face tan. which isn't good, because only those two parts were showing, meaning my skin colour is ONCE AGAIN uneven.
Labels: Complaints, Ramblings