Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy New Years Eve everyone.
so exciting.
Excitement of my life.
not really.
supposed to go watch a movie today... but you know.
"Dad's the boss"
says Mother.
gotta ask him first. anyways. like he would let me anyways.
my "movie buddies" are most probably not awake just yet. so why ask now. hahaha.
it's gonna be the start of a brand new year.
most people i know here have finished secondary school. woohoo for me i have one year left til the Tertiary.Entrance.Examination. woopdedoo.
next year, i totally have to buck up in school work if i'm gonna get an adequate grade..
two girls in my school got like 99.4% for their scores. like seriously. they MUST be nuts.
good thing for me.. i need only a minimum of like 75%. i think... :S
tis the time for making New Years revolutions.
1. i WILL study hard
2. i WILL not spend time doing unnecessary things
i... that's all i can think of at the moment.
hmmm. i'll get back to the list.
speaking of the next year...
THREE MAJOR movies coming out~
1. Memoirs of a Geisha <<>
2. Da Vinci Code <<>
3. Pirates of the Caribbean TWO! <<>
woohooo movie fest! :)
ahh well. i think i better sign off now.
and i'll see y'all next year.
c i a o
Labels: Complaints, Events, Ramblings
Thursday, December 29, 2005
finally after days of waiting.
i managed to catch Who's Line Is It Anyway on TV!
coz i woke up early. hahaha.
so good.
but anyways.
the year is drawing to an end. which means school is a month away.
i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.
i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.
i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.
i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.
i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.
i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.
i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.
i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.
i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.
i don't wanna go..i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.i don't wanna go.
that looks strange. and somewhat familiar.
Year 12. ah... i say. the end is nigh.
i gotta start studying.. i think i've said that in other posts.
i have started though. vaguely.
if researching on sparknotes is considered studying. :P
i really gotta tackle the maths. i'm gonnaa have to do well next year.
at this rate i'll be at the bottom of the YEAR. of the STATE more like.
so much for this year's rise to the top! :P hahaha
i'm slowly descending as i type. DAMn.
but enough about the bad things.
i got my ears re-pierced again. kinda hurt though. coz it was done at the exact same place, which was still sorta feeling sore if pressed too hard. so much 4 the painless way to do it.
good thing it isn't still throbbing. haha.
i feel... tired.
as always.
got a Coldplay piano book for xmas.. also gettin the Coldplay: a Rush of Blood to the Head CD from someone. so i've heard. :P Coldplay rocks.
their music relaxes me. haha.
i still have another $20 worth of Popular vouchers which i have no idea what to spend on. i spent the first $20 on my Collector's Edition Dirty Dancing DVD.
SO totally AWSe.
DamN this computer. it takes so long to import my music onto iTunes.
pissing me off.
well i guess i better get back to my iTunes.
c i a o
Labels: Complaints, Presents, Ramblings, School Crap
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
merry christmas all!
actually.. happy boxing day.
haha. it's a lil late.
but ah well. hope everyone had a great xmas.
got lotsa presents.. :) i got my digi cam at long last.. and have been taking heaps of photos.. just in time for next year.. last year in school! wooohooo.
got lotsa other cool things too tho..
been watching some ppl play this funny game called Pom? god knows how you spell it.
quite entertaining really. but too much of a bother to explain right now! hahaha..
better run off now.
c i a o
Labels: Events, Friends, Presents, Ramblings
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Went and watched King Kong!!
rather sad... he was so cute! :D hhahaa.. and somewhat intimidating.. but u know. :D haha.
that's another movie off my list! :D
only 5 more.. :D
wanna try catch Narnia the day it opens.. might have to book in advance! :)
my nano has a nice new pink skin.. :D hahaha so cool..
and got a charger too.. :)
so very bored right now. :(
just have to say:
i love Stitch No. 41.
hahaha.. its the remake of JLo Still.. prettay smells..
signing off now..
c i a o
Labels: Movie Reviews, Ramblings, Shopping
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
well well.
i'm back in singapore! excitement.. :)
just came back from a trip to KL.
t'was some fun. but the drive was excruciatingly boring at times.
i had a rather strange dream about harry potter last night too. very very strange.. :S
and i SO wanna go for the Queen "it's a kinda magic" concert at the Esplanade in January.. and the Backstreet Boys concert is kinda appealing too. :D
and there are SO many movies i wanna catch during these holz. plus i have to start study for Lit and Discrete. i have a feeling i won't be doing so well in discrete next year. :'(
The Lit books are as usual so very dull and unentertaining.
have only managed to get thru one of them on the plane, while i tried to figure out why the hell i couldn't get the TV screen out from under the arm of the seat. only to realise of course that the button was jammed. :( sigh**
c'est la vie.
so disconcerting.
anyways. movies, movies, movies.
finally caught the long awaited Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire! :)
except i missed the first bloody like 5-10 mins. so guess what, gotta go once again before i strangle meself.
t'was rather good, cept they didn't stay true to the book much. :( but anyways. its always pretty cool to see these books on big screen ;) and where was Ludo bagman??? :S and poor winky and dobby got no credit either. :S haha
ahh well.
Now i wanna see:
1. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The witch and the wardrobe
2. Memoirs of a Geisha (too cool!)
3. King Kong
4. Prime
5. Pride and Prejudice
6. In Her shoes
ohhhh. where will i find the time? :)
right. i better run along now.. get the day started! :D
c i a o
Labels: Harry Potter, HopesandDreams, Movie Reviews, Ramblings, School Crap, Travels
Sunday, December 04, 2005
4 days. only 4 days.
home again. :)
i'm so bored.
but finally went shopping at my most favourite shop in all WA.
pity though, i didn't have much $$$ to spend as it has all evaporated.
haha. not funny.
they have the most awesome clothes there though. and it is only so often i get to pay my respects there. :) and burn holes in my pockets.
but you know. spent a fair amount of time digging thru the $5 bin at Jayjays on Thursday though. quite successful. :D hahaha
dived head first into it with me sis. awesome things they have in there sometimes. well. i guess i better go to sleep now.
my eyes are practically crying out loud for some rest.
c i a o
Labels: Complaints, Ramblings, Shopping, Travels
Saturday, December 03, 2005
counting down the days til i go home.
5 to be exact. :D
time to get away and have a holiday.
i'm feeling so very unenergetic right now. is that even a word?
i wish i didn't have anymore school ever again.
it's so blissful just hanging around. doing nothing.
then the new school year commences.
sigh. it's so. bothersome.
right i better run off..
c i a o
6 days til i go home!
then we can watch harry potter!! OMG. the wait is OVER. at last.
at long last.
haha. don't mind me, just slightly over excited.
big year next year. i'm so gonna die.
ohh.. i feel the stress piling on already.
can't wait to go home. even tho it's gonna be rather warm.
can't beat good ol' Aust in heat stakes.
nooo way.
aight. i gotta get goin to bed now.
Labels: Harry Potter, Ramblings, Travels, weather