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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's nearly.. actually it's New Years Eve! :)
been doing quite an array of things since Xmas08. :D
didn't get up to much on Boxing Day.. Just went out for awhile to meet hamz and izyan. lol just chilled out @ Starbucks. at least i think that's what i did on boxing day.. hahaha
the next day was akiel's birthday party! :)
akiel is still soo cuute after all these years.. hahaha
me and jer cw-ing in hamz's room lol
hamz and i outside joining in the party festivities by cw-ing. lol
was quite fun, had some food and cake, then followed by a lively game of charades. i didn't play of course, i'm terrible @ charades! hahaha
but i did timekeeping :d the two teams: ahmad's crew and team obama.
great fun to watch people playing charades. hahah
there was also a twist, with a "dance" competition, during which hilarity ensued.
good night overall, jerri videoed much of the fun with my video camera.. am currently working on a video montage thingy. haha :) but my laptop, as usual, is giving me hell.
so it MAY take a little while.
went out with audrey on the 28th to go watch Australia! :D it's freakin excellent in my opinion.. the rents said it was alright when they saw it but i think it's really good.. :)
the following day, we met up with family friends in perthopia, and after a hearty banana leaf indian cuisine lunch, me and olivia went off to watch... TWILIGHT! :D i'm glad she liked it :)
oh it gets better.
guess what i did today?
but this time, it was a xmas present from my godmother.. hahaha
after that, had lunch @ pastamania.. and then walked around with jerri and our cousin. spent our time at the arcade.. wasting money. hahaha. but my godmum liked Twilight, and i may just have influenced her to start reading the books :D woohoo! 3rd person i may have infected with the Twilight addiction :d
so all in all... i think i have seen it at the movies a good 5 or 6 times? :P
but i think i have satisfied my need to watch Twilight. :)
so... until the dvd! :D
and the Twilight "the Score" cd i ordered from Amazon arrived today!!! :D they're quite efficient, i must say. i like it. like it alot. :D carter burwell created some amazing music for Twilight, i really love it. i must say, the music of Twilight is something that really stands out. even my godmother today was like OOhh i like the music! :-)
anyways, just to end off with some random pics from xmas eve :)
had a mini photo shoot with hamz, char and terri. great fun! :D
i love this picture, it totally shows me in my favourite place..
behind the camera! :D
char and i :)
it's new year's eve today, and i don't actually know what i'm doing? haha
i may go out to clarke quay for the carnivalesque thingo, or just stay home... either way, i have not really gotten into the NYE party mode? i've been feeling sort of moody lately..
but meh, see how i'm feeling tomorrow. tis a new day after all. well it's actually already tomorrow and i haven't changed my mood yet. so... it can be a new day.. when i awake.

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Photobucket 12:18 am ♥

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 08 has come and gone.. :)
this year i got some awesome presents! :D
coupla bottles of perfume, from "santa" bahaha.. jer put white socks on the tree.. lol.

this ADORABLE tote bag from hamzzz..

it's like supermassively cute! :D
Swatch watch from dad's side cousinss.. it's tres blingblingish.
and also a necklace with my name bent with wire :D
more bling stuff! gold clutch/purse from charms :D and earrings from terri!
Bloody awesome Guess wallet from Mum! check out the inside.. :D
From Mum, Polo bag as well.. :D i wanted this when i was in KL but didn't actually get it.. turns out mum bought it! :D
book & scarf from auntie sue !

wickedd ass dvd from jer

i love this movie btw it's so retardedly funny.

a tshirt and handbag from the grandparents :D

and random peacock thing from "santa" hahaha
and some clothes from ate! :D
also, i got a superextra-awesome present after all the present giving...
but i don't have a picture of it.. lol.
it's a Canon FS100 Digital Video Camcorder!
and i'm in lovelovelove with it!!!!!! :D
takes superawesome videos.. and ok pictures.. lol.
i've yet to see if the vids can be uploaded to youtube.
anyway. that's all the loot for now! :)
merry xmas all!
edit// went out with fam friends from perthopia today! had some indian cuisine, and then me and oliv went to see........ TWILIGHT!
and i'm goin to see it again tomorroww as a xmas pressie with my godmum!
WOO! //end edit


Photobucket 11:35 am ♥

Thursday, December 25, 2008

wishing everyone a blissful, spectacular, fun and wonderful Christmas...
hope you get lots of pressies! :)


Photobucket 11:27 am ♥

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

i knew that Singapore cinemas shouldn't have shown so many bloody sneak previews of Twilight!
the result is it didn't make it to the number one weekend spot! because sneak previews aren't counted! and since EVERYONE watched it when sneaks were on, less people watched it when the actual movie came out! they may as well have freakin opened it on the 12th.. then it would've been number one! it earned like 1.27 million during sneaks or something.. much higher than the actual opening weekend.
some chinese movie beat it out for number one. but oh well, number 2 is good enough.
anyway, i can't believe the Singapore flyer stopped for so many hours yesterday!! badness..
don't think i'll be going on it for a long while! i sure as hell don't want to have to abseil out of it should it stop!
ok back to happier things....
Happy Xmas Eve to all!
gonna be preppin for our annual xmas eve partay... :)
hope you have a Merry Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year..
and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Moe!! :D (for tomorrow :D) turning the big 2-0 ! how excitement! :D
ok. must be off now! :)

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Photobucket 9:16 am ♥

Monday, December 22, 2008

just had to come and ramble about something.
i regularly like to check out hot topic for awesome new twilight stuff.
these are what i wish for!!!

lion fell in love with lamb necklaces.. except no one can wear the other half.. bahaha.. guess i'd just wear both of them! :P but they are ever so awesome.

supercalifreakinawesome Team Edward hoodie!!!
arhhhghg its awesomeness glares out of the computer screen and makes me want to buy it.. haha

and Cullen crest locket! possibly the only affordable thing on my wishlist. actually i could get the lion lamb one, i just don't have anyone who could wear the other half! so no point getting that one... lol

edit// found another wicked piece of merchandise!! :D hahaha and it's only $15 :D
seems Hot Topic is really cashing in on the Twilight fandom..
yeah yeah i know it's a dude's beanie, but i can rock the beanie too! :P haha
//end edit
anyway, just thought i'd let that outta my system! :P

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Photobucket 1:17 am ♥

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hehe check out the new blog skin! :D
i used my most fave pic of kristen stewart and robert pattinson.. it's so cute and candid, and they don't look all morbid and tortured like some other photoshoot pictures.. haha
and the lighting is spectacular, i loved that whole photoshoot. twas the vanity fair one i think.
and now my blog is not soo evidently Twilight-ish :p
speaking of Twilight, jer, me, levvi and olivia are goin to catch it on Monday !! hehehe
yes, i found yet another excuse to go and watch it.. :P
anyway, back to the blog skin..
it's pretty and yellowwy, matches the tone of the photo.
arghhh it would be my dream to be doing a photoshoot of the Twilight cast..
hamz iz and char slept over last night, and we had a major girly night. haha watched the SATC movie, and then some episodes of Gossip Girl. until about 6am!! lol.
lots of laughter, fun, food and sparkling apple juice hahaha
had about 6 hours of sleep, so now i'm feeling kinda drowsy..
anyway, off i pop, got to go back to bed.

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Photobucket 6:56 pm ♥

Friday, December 19, 2008

I seriously hope they don't replace Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black.
he is quite a fitting JB, with his "not yet a grown up but not a kid" boyish charm, and I can sort of see the JB-BS chemistry between him and Kristen Stewart.
and he's workin so hard to bulk up for New Moon. that's how much he wants to stay.
they better not replace him.
anyone else would just be wrong.
and come on, they already signed him for the next two movies, it would be incredibly rude to just drop him like that. seriously, i don't care if he doesn't look as big and buff as he is described in the book, as long as it's him.
KEEP TAYLOR LAUTNER, Summit Entertainment.


Photobucket 3:09 pm ♥

Thursday, December 18, 2008

so today is the day all Singaporean twilight fans have been waiting for!!
18 December 2008.
the official release of Twilight in Singapore!!
and a whirlwind decision led me and the girls to decide to watch the Twilight sneak preview at 11.20 pm, just 40 minutes before it was officially the 18th of december!! :D :D
there was me, char, hamz, iz, jerri and mother! :D im so glad my friends are squealing "i heart edward cullen" fans :D haha
anyway, i decided to upgrade my rating of the movie. this is officially the 2nd time i've watched it big screen... and now it is:
as compared to simply "Awesome" before. :P
its missing quite a few parts of the book, but i thought it was a jolly good screen adaptation.
edward and alice cullen make up for the flaws ;D
can't wait to see it.

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Photobucket 3:03 am ♥

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Finally, the last full day we had in KL.
not so good, because I started to get sick the night before, and I was all drowsy and sore throatish most of the day.
but it was also the day i got to see vinipoo again!! so there was no way i was just gonna mooch around in bed. :D
we had lunch across the street, and then made our way to the train station.. for an extremely LOOOOOOOOOONG train ride. it was also drizzling, so yay for us. but we caught a taxi almost immediately, and made our way to Sunway Pyramid! :D
sunway pyramid was freakin huuuuge.
no way we could have covered the entire thing in the time we spent there!

lovely xmas decor :d
i do like how sunway pyramid has all this egyptian themed decor and designs, it's tres cool
it even has those sphinxy things everywhere :D
and what the john!
Friendster cafe?!
no, we weren't nerdy enough to go in there.. lol
anyway, we met up with vinipooo!! :D
walked around with her chatting and catchin up on the past 2 years :) and also sat down and had A&W, must've been the first time in at least 10 years! :D ahh i love you.
then she had to pop off home, so we said byeeeee until jan, when she'll be moving to JB!
which is SO CLOSE TO SINGAPOrE!!! :D
its literally across the sea.
anyway, we headed back after that, as i was starting to feel terrible.. decided that us 3 girls would stay in an order room service, a tradition which never goes undone when we are at panpac :D
and we all ordered: spag bol.
so we ate while watching dvds! :D
mum and dad went out for dinner, and then later at night, they were sitting downstairs having drinks, so we all went downstairs for awhile, just chatting and laughing and being retarded.
good times, good times.
we went to bed after, and the next day, we pretty much didn't do all that much.
breakfast at Zende for the last time... haha
went back upstairs and packed everything, and then we had to check out.
left our bags at the hotel and went shopping at The mall. there i bought some xmas pressies, and a giant bag which i'm sure can fit A3 things ;D hahaha..
so we went off to the airport after that, sad to leave the shopping haven behind, but glad to be going home.
we had to wait awhile at the airport, because we left earlier to avoid the after work traffic.
so we got an internet card at the cafe and we all checked our emails etc.. :P
after check in, we just hung around for awhile until we were able to board the flight..
jerr and audz on the travellators? i think.
and jer is doin her "Edward Cullen just smelt Bella Swan" face.
when we got back to Singapore, we were all in a hurry to get out, and guess what!
we grabbed someone else's suitcase, only to realise when we arrived home!
so stupid..
but mother thought quickly and we were able to get ours back, and give theirs back with not much hassle.. lol.
dinner @ budget terminal after before we headed home to crash into bed.
so that concludes the KL trip! :D
had a good time, despite the being sick and all.. but it was good fun! :D

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Photobucket 11:42 am ♥

We started the next day bright and early. or about 8.30 am to be exact.
my fave part of staying in hotels = continental breakfast! :D
Seri Pacific (or PanPac as it was once) had awesome breakfast the last time i stayed, so i was looking forward to it! :D
sadly, it wasn't as spectacular as i remembered.. but edible, so i remained satisfied!
early risers :D
audz and jer made this food man, i forget what his name is...
after a rest, audz and jer decided it was time to go for a dip in the pool, which looked mucho enticing from the lift! haha.. and plus they had to take advantage of the sun! who knew how long it would last.... haha
in the poool
haha jerri can't float without the stairs
audrey.. u look kinda naked.. hahah
jer looks like a frog! we made her do laps. hahaha
i sat and watched for the most part, and i think i even dozed off despite the uncomfortable heat listening to the twilight soundtrack on mypod. :P haha
it was off to Berjaya Times Square after that!
10 storeys of glorious shopping :D
lovely xmas tree.. :D
jer and audz being santa claus's family.
me and special little man.
look at the floors!
jerri, wishing she could go into the indoor theme park. it has like this absolutely insane indoor roller coaster!
i didn't actually buy that much, but i ended up with some dvds! :D gossip girl s1 and part of s2 and house bunny :D and a pretty watch :D
anyway, after a long hard day of walking around, we went back to the hotel.
rested for awhile, and then went downstairs to the restaurant for dinner with some relatives!
audrey can't decide.. its ok dude, just take a chill pill it's only food.. hahaha
lol-ing with camera.
the restaurant had gianormous serves. just check out jerri's spag bol! awesome...
dad's nasi goreng.
audz's mee rebus.
my mee goreng (haha typical)
mothers salad.. eew. haha
i think everyone enjoyed their meals very much! Zende restaurant has outdone itself. :D
the food and presentation and service was awesome. :D
anyway, after dindins, we headed back up to the room to use the loo before we went off on another adventure. haha.
but oh the shock and horror.
when jerr used it, it became blocked, and then she flushed it a couple of times.
and then a few seconds later...
the toilet water exploded out of the bowl like a volcano.
it was freakin nastyyyy.. but thank goodness it was mostly clean water and toilet paper.
so mother had to get that sorted, by ringing up the hotel and shit.
we headed to Petaling Street after that drama! haha
audz outside petaling street.
it was wicked, i'd only been there once before :d
bought a couple of things actually. Tiffany n Co jewellery, something by Ferragamo and some dvds! :D hehehe.. audz got some cool things too :D
my tiff and co necklace. it's kinda irritating, my hair keeps getting caught in the clasp :(
anyway, i told u KL looks better at night!
i had to hold the camera sooo still.. for about 8 seconds to get this wicked shot.
maybe 4 seconds.. not as much light.. haha
nice... :)
so that concludes day 2 in KL

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Photobucket 11:32 am ♥


This blog is my e-diary, where I pen my thoughts, and ramblings for the day. It's also full of random photos, which may seem unnecessary. I am what I am, and what I am is a memory keeper. There won't be any intellectual drivel or anything with great meaning, so if you're looking for anything like that, wrong place for you! :)

♥ Perthopia.
♥ Bach of Design.
♥ Photography ♥
♥ MCR. Paramore. Kyo.
♥ Music. Movies♥. Books.
♥ Shoes. Bangles.
♥ Haley Williams' Hair colour :P
♥ TWILIGHT :). ♥ H.Potter.
♥ Mugglecast. ♥ Imprint.


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